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How to you create a killer brand instantly identifiable to your fans and so exclusive they MUST have your product. In this video we meet Johnny Cupcakes a T-shirt design entrepreneur who discovered the perfect recipe for success by keeping his customers always wanting more. Read More
OK. You know the content of your Website is important, right? But what if it is more important then you ever thought? What if it is the only information a client or customer will ever really consider before deciding whether to hire or buy from you or to simply move on? What if it isn't simply an ice breaker that will inspire folks to pick up the telephone with you or your sales staff for more inf Read More
“CrunchBase is the free database of technology companies, people, and investors that anyone can edit.” I encourage members to use this site to its fullest potential, since it piggybacks on the stellar reputation of its parent company, TechCrunch and in its own right is just about to break into the top 1,000 sites in the US according to Alexa. That mixture is sure to deliver the SEO p Read More
In this interview with Doug Jeruzal and Ricardo Spence, the co-founders of Secure Innovations, LLC, we get double the insight, and twice the advice on what it takes to succeed in a start-up built by smart people using the latest technology. Read More
Many Facebook apps are built for casual use. But there are quite a few apps that are ideal for a business Fan Page. These are useful for customizing your page with greater detail, showcasing your content from other social sites, and getting more information from your customers. Here are five essential Facebook apps that your business may want to take for a spin. Read More
Above this there is the truth that they all add one way links to your website which is a great point, and the ability to market these articles to drive additional traffic and create a PR on the article page is an extremely valuable way of gaining links to your site from PR ranked pages. Read More
Mike Greider of Sherpa Software Development, LLC is a seasoned entrepreneur who has been launching small businesses since before he could drive. Here Mike talks with about his custom software development business, and shares a wealth of insights that are sure to inspire other entrepreneurs to take action… Read More
Does entrepreneurship run in the family? You bet it does. In this interview with Brian Greenlee of Greenlee Graphics, LLC, we learn that lesson well. Brian is a former molecular biologist who turned his passion for art and graphic design into a thriving home-based business that has been going strong for ten years. Read More
If your plan is to ultimately author your own blog, but you need some practice to find your voice or to build your comfort level, guest blogging on someone else’s blog can be a terrific first-step opportunity. Read More
Laugh and the world laughs with you; weep and you weep alone. How can this phrase help you become the greatest salesperson in the world? Read More

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