voted on the following stories on BizSugar

You’ve heard it a thousand times: the money’s in the list. If you’re serious about getting results online, you need to build a list of people who are paying attention to you, typically an email list. Read More
Google built an empire out of serving consumers ads matching exactly what they were looking for at exact right moment ... Read More
Barry Moltz, author of BAM! Bust-A-Myth: Delivering Customer Service in a Self-Service World, answered that question recently. Who better than Barry to answer this? His book, a great book, lists 19 customer service myths. And he busts them all. But these were his 3 favorite myths. Read More
Facebook and similar networks where “socializing” is truly the main objective can be ineffective marketing platforms for many businesses. I’m not saying that you shouldn’t have a fan page for your business but, what I am saying is that you have to prioritize the amount of effort you provision for each online marketing vehicle based on simple ROTI. (Return On Time Invested) Read More
Wikis have become very popular nowadays and are being used by people firstly for sharing knowledge and expertise on a topic with others. In a nutshell wiki structure allows one to create a webpage which can be accessed and modified easily by everyone. Read More
The following is a list of guidelines and rules that can be used to help entrepreneurs collect, develop and use customer testimonials in their small business marketing. It's important to use testimonials the right way because it's definitely frowned upon to use a testimonial in a misleading way. Read More
Most small business owners do not think they can afford big marketing plans. To them, marketing is advertising, and everyone knows that advertising is expensive. Of course, advertising is an important element of marketing strategy. But, there are numerous low-cost tools and tactics that a small business can use to increase their visibility and attractiveness to potential customers. And, all tha Read More
In the face of unprecedented challenges, it seems that change is the only thing small businesses can predict with any certainty. Piloting a business in the years ahead will require new ways of thinking. Traditional approaches will only hold you back. Read More
You know the definition of insanity, right? “Doing the same old thing and expecting different results.” So why do so many companies keep doing the same old thing, and expect anything different? It’s insanity.
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Yelp As a Mini Online Reputation Management Case Study

Yelp As a Mini Online Reputation Management Case Study  - Avatar Posted by q4sales under Online Marketing
From 5207 days ago
Made Hot by: JanetG on March 31, 2010 2:17 am
You’re probably aware that Yelp has found itself somewhat under fire lately. There have been persistent rumors, and now lawsuits, that the site squashes Read More

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