voted on the following stories on BizSugar

How to thrive in a down economy? Cut overhead and focus 100% on client satisfaction. Shelley Birnbaum is passionate about her work and it shows. Her enthusiasm for Renew Organic Skin Care is off the charts. The loyal clients of her Baltimore, Maryland small business are proof that entrepreneurs who keep overhead low can survive (and even thrive) in any economy.
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What's your personal brand strategy? Social Media platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter are just tactical “vehicles” through which you can communicate your brand strategy (whether it is your personal brand or your company brand)... Read More

Life Plan Before Business Plan

Life Plan Before Business Plan  - Avatar Posted by q4sales under Startups
From 5209 days ago
Made Hot by: steeldawn on March 23, 2010 6:40 pm
This is absolutely true. Melinda Emerson sparks a fire here by reminding you to get back to the basics, examine your own life, and then get your business in gear or started.

From her piece: Believe it or not, your life plan should come before your business plan. You don't want to risk starting a business that might not be a good fit for you and your family. Read More
Big brands have a lot going for them – their logo is instantly recognizable, their products and packaging are familiar, and they often have a brand advocate.
But brand advocates don’t just belong in the realm of big business. They can be equally valuable for small business, if not more so. And you don’t have to pay someone to do it for you – your greatest brand asset is you!

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One of the best ways to not have to compete on price is to become a known and trusted brand. A brand that is recognized, is a brand that can be trusted, and your buyers will pay a premium for it. Read More

Get in the Flow

Get in the Flow - Avatar Posted by StephenLynch under Management
From 5209 days ago
One of the key ingredients for a happy and successful life is to experience the state of “flow” as frequently as we can.

“Flow” is the mental state in which you become fully immersed in what you are doing with a feeling of energized focus and full involvement. Other terms used to describe this state include: “in the zone”, “in the groove”.

Here are some tips to help you achieve “flow” m Read More
While social media is widely accepted as an ideal method to drive traffic to your website, RSS feeds are often under-utilised or forgotten. After discussing how I was using my own RSS feed with my web designer, I realised I was missing a great opportunity to promote my content. Read this post to find out how an RSS feed can improve your content marketing activities. Read More
A transparent look at why banner ads don't work and why content sponsorships and advertising are becoming more and more effective. An inside look of how The Rise To The Top does sponsorships. Read More
VentureBeat Profiles is “the leading site that covers news about innovation” and its Alexa ranking is awesome, due to “hundreds of thousands” of visitors each month. That's two great reasons for to create a profile, and just a few days later, it has already paid off big time in SEO. You can create a profile on VentureBeat for your company in about three minutes... Read More
If you think we could use a few more jobs in the U.S. right about now, you should know about the Startup Visa, an idea that has been gaining momentum in the blogosphere since last spring. Last month, Senators John Kerry and Richard Lugar introduced a bill that would create a new class of visa for foreign-born entrepreneurs who start companies (and attract funding for them) here. Read More

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