BradenM voted on the following stories on BizSugar

The simple answer, according to the latest Chitika Research study is — a ton! A FULL TWICE what the #2 ranking offers! In order to track same, the folks over at Chitika tracked their own traffic and it’s referrers and learned that almost 35% of that traffic came from the #1 ranking spot — almost as much as the numbers 2 through 5 slots combined, and more than the numbers 5 through 20 (the end of page 2) put together!

So….a #1 ranking brings new traffic, that’s not news, but the size of the lead of the #1 spot over all the rest is somewhat surprising, eh! Read More
We all have moments of clarity amidst spells of confusion.

If your business is growing, you need to make frequent decisions that will affect its nature and direction.

And if your business isn’t growing as you hoped, the confusion is all the more oppressive.

Here's how to create immediate clarity - for good Read More
"You are getting sleepy...your eyes are getting heavy." Nope, it's not "parlor-game" hypnosis where you are made to bark like a dog. This is the real deal, and as I've found it recently, it is an EXCELLENT way to bring focus, concentration and increased productivity to work.. Read More
Memorial Day reminds us to honor those who have paid the ultimate price for our freedom. That is why I want to take this opportunity to focus on veteran-owned businesses. While every aspiring entrepreneur starts with certain strengths and weaknesses, veterans bring a unique set of assets and liabilities. Find out why a military background could be just the best thing a small business needs Read More
Market research is a fundamental building block for your business. Market research is perceived as expensive, but it doesn't need to be so. In fact, much can be done for free. It is just really important that you actually do it Read More
With the recent publicity of FaceBook and it’s new open graph businesses are scrambling to make the most of the worlds largest social network Read More
Those who have become disillusioned with the online job search and have made a lot of efforts trying to find the job think that celebrities have always bee Read More

A Special Thanks To The BizSugar Team

Avatar Posted by ShawnHessinger under News
From 5231 days ago
Made Hot by: JohnH on May 28, 2010 3:54 pm
By now, many of you may have heard that BizSugar was honor last week with the Best Of Tech Award For Best Social Media App from the Northeast Ohio Software Association. I wonder if the community would join me in thanking our global team of moderators, great executive board and others who have been such a great help in making BizSugar the social media site it is today. Also thanks to our wonderful community members. You made it all possibl Read More
All too often I find business owners are eager to step over dollars to pick up pennies! If you value your business then Value your Business Read More

Stop Reading and Take Action

Avatar Posted by m4bmarketing under Marketing
From 5232 days ago
Made Hot by: BradenM on May 25, 2010 6:40 pm
On the weekend as it was raining and cold I decided to do a bit of a spring cleaning with my web browsers. As I doing this I discovered all these pages I had bookmarked to read later and perhaps take action. As it would have taken hours to go through them all I deleted them. Here is what I do now to take action Read More

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