CatarinasWorld voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Could Google Ideas long term force traffickers to communicate face to face only? What impact will their new tools have on tackling organised crime? Read More
Will not only the way global businesses are run change drastically but also who is in charge? Speaking the local language and thoroughly understanding the culture of the market you work with is essential, if you wish to succeed in business around the world. Read More
It can be very tough. You only have to do a Google search for your type of products or service to see the millions of results for any market. There are two ways you see businesses handle this situation.
The first will not grow your business. The second can make a big difference. Read More
Why are so many people on social media just parroting others? Coping and pasting. And the worst is that it seems to account for part of creativity today. Read More
Yes they can be. The simple reason is unless you have numbers attached to what you want to achieve you have no way of celebrating achievement. And who doesn’t like a great celebration. Putting numbers in lets you chart your progress. As well as see what is working and what needs tweaking. Read More
Who doesn’t like a flow of new customers flocking to buy your products or services. get customer flow. Not any old customers. The ones that you want as customers. When you have a flow of these customers life is good, the bank balance is getting bulky. When the flow is not occurring it is tough.

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Russia's about to join the WTO and primed for growth. But will remnants of the cold war make it difficult for US companies to succeed there? Read More
When you want to grow you business now and you are faced with so many options there are usually 2 paths that are taken. Neither will work and only leave you confused and overwhelmed. Instead why not try the simplicity approach.
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Do You Use Google Webmaster Tools Bing or Both

Avatar Posted by keepupweb under Resources
From 4392 days ago
Made Hot by: Cathode Ray Dude on July 18, 2012 3:50 pm
Bing Webmaster Tools include features like disavowing backlinks, SEO reports and analysis features making it a contender to Google’s webmaster tools. Do you use Google webmaster tools, Bing or both? Read More
The 2012 Marketing Sherpa Reader’s Choice Awards were announced last week and Susan Oakes from won for best marketing strategy blog. Read her answers in my interview for more insight on B2B marketing tips. Read More

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