CatarinasWorld voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Nowadays the market is rapidly changing and a business has to adapt or die. If you haven’t yet developed a culture of innovation, it’s high time you do. Read More
In a vast effort to improve the user experience and bring more traffic to publishers’ websites, the popular social network is rolling out with a major update that will give each “like” more prominence on the Facebook platform. Now every time you give a story your “thumbs up,” a headline, blurb and Read More
A few weeks ago I made a huge leap of logic that turned out to be quite wrong. I changed the time when I usually submit an article to a site thinking that the change of routine was not an issue. I was wrong and here are 3 tips to help you not make the same mistake. Read More
New social media tools reviewed: here are the favorite tools discovered in the last 6 months by our social media experts. Read More

Small Business News: Doing Business With the World

Avatar Posted by LWatrous under Global
From 4926 days ago
Made Hot by: Monsieur Eraser on February 7, 2011 8:21 am
Why settle for your local market when you could be doing business with the world. A survey shows small business owners are already moving in this direction at Read More

Small Businesses Don’t Need Big P.R. Contracts

Avatar Posted by Pricefalls under Public Relations
From 4979 days ago
Made Hot by: shepherd on December 12, 2010 2:35 pm
Elliot Moskow is the CEO of He launched Pricefalls in his Junior year of college and it has been a tremendous learning experience. This post serves to provide insights to small business owners who are considering contracting out a P.R. firm or looking at ways to take their P.R. in-h Read More
From the land of Crocodile Dundee, Foster’s Lager, and “shrimp on the barbee,” comes Susan Oakes, Marketing guru extraordinaire.

Meet BizSugar's very own Susan Oakes.

There's a very good reason why she's become my go-to-person for all Marketing issues Read More
I promised Susan Oakes a couple of days ago to post this article from a blogger I always enjoy reading, Sonia Simone of Copyblogger, in response to Susan's post "Your Customers Have The Need But Do They Have The Desire?" Check it out on her blog, M4B Marketing, or here at BizSugar posted about four days ago. In the post, in turn a response to another post from Stoney deGeyter of Search Engine Guide, Susan argues that "You need to work out the difference between those customers having a need and those that actually have a desire to take action." Susan is definitely right as far as she goes, but Sonia takes it one step further. Those customers with a "desire to take action" may just be the tip of the iceberg!
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One of my BizSugar friends, Susan Oakes of Marketing for Business Success, took me to task for my use of Expert in 8 Ways to Become an Expert in Internet Marketing. Our discussion, available here on BizSugar, centered on whether being an expert is necessary in all cases.

Her question really got me thinking Read More

I Really Do Not Want You as a Customer

Avatar Posted by m4bmarketing under Marketing
From 5212 days ago
Made Hot by: roseanderson on April 26, 2010 4:32 am
A lot is written about building customer profiles of those who you want as customers. This of course is an essential part of small business marketing. But what about the other side – those customers that you do not want as customers. Two blog posts recently have been written about this dilemma and give great insights into this problem as they shared their experiences.
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