EoinRedmond voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Time tracking is an important project management tool. Time tracking allows project managers to provide more accurate project estimates and they learn from previous project time logging. Without time tracking, best guesses are all that can be provided for estimation and this costs money! Read More
Time tracking can be a pain, but there are many benefits if done right. Often it can be used as a tool to target employees but it should be used as a tool to better understand the "working day" of the business in order to help determine better ways of running the operation. Read More
A survey detailing the importance of SaaS and Cloud Computing for over 500 businesses and the core reasons why SaaS-delivered services provide immediate and impactful benefits for those organisations. Read More
When dealing with international customers, it is vital to understand the impact of language and localisation to ensure that you are not unintentionally being rude to customers or indeed insulting them. If translation is not an option, then language should be kept simple and to the point. Read More
While this post is about our product go-live, it is not a promotional post! There are some lessons for all in it with regards to validating your offering through "live" testing. We did a lengthy beta test during which we tested business processes as well as the product, we made the move to producti Read More
New business owners can worry about every small thing before opening their doors and this can prevent a business ever launching. Provided a strong foundation is in place, the doors should be opened. Problems can be fixed, but it is better to be doing this in operation - otherwise how do you know wh Read More

The Four Seasons of Project Management

The Four Seasons of Project Management - http://blog.myprojecttracker.com Avatar Posted by Barneyausten under Management
From http://blog.myprojecttracker.com 4966 days ago
Made Hot by: Small Business Tribe on November 4, 2010 1:42 am
Projects can sometimes lose focus and seem to go on without purpose. Project managers are responsible for making sure that this does not happen. As the project progresses, change and challenge should be embraced and managed. Read More
Targets are often set in business at a high level. Net profitability, revenue targets, sales targets. But it is just as important to set specific targets at a lower level also throughout the organisation. Those smaller individual targets in each area will ensure that the high level revenue and sale Read More
The "Show Me The Money" attitude will cause even the most diligent employee to realign in an effort to reach their maximum bonus, regardless of their expected deliverables. Make sure goals and incentives are relevant and aligned, otherwise it'll just do more harm then good. Read More
As a business that will be displaying its products online, browser capabilities are a key part of our concerns for product presentation. IE does not seem to have the same presentation capabilities as the others without code changes. Why does presentation differ between each browser? Is it not time Read More

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