GotFreeBusinessCards2 voted on the following stories on BizSugar

A business’s ability to evolve depends on its leader’s ability to let go of that death grip on… everything… and learn to delegate without micromanaging. Here's a good look at some of the reasons why delegating is so crucial to the good health of your business, and what you can do today to start gro Read More
The top retail businesses know that their brand is invaluable. We've conducted research into what the most successful retail businesses are doing right ... and wrong. We've cultivated a list of actionable lessons that apply to retail businesses of any size and we're sharing the results with you. Read More
Much has been written recently about the requirement to focus today on the total customer experience, as a competitive edge or even for survival. Traditionally, you just worried about the quality of the sales transaction (price, speed, service), but the “customer experience” now includes ease of pr Read More

Why Facebook Communities Is Your Hotels Next Customer Portal

Why Facebook Communities Is Your Hotels Next Customer Portal - Avatar Posted by AreMorch under Social Media
From 1852 days ago
Made Hot by: DigiTechBlog on June 14, 2019 7:19 am
What if your Hotel had a captive audience you could speak to about anything, and they would listen?

They would literarily stop what they were doing, get excited, listen and respond to your Hotels content.

And the best part they would take dedicated actions every time you a Read More

How to Make Money Using Apps like Pinterest, 5 Ways

How to Make Money Using Apps like Pinterest, 5 Ways - Avatar Posted by Janice Wald under Social Media
From 1852 days ago
Made Hot by: MarketWiz on June 14, 2019 8:01 am
This post offers social media monetization tips for Pinterest and apps like Pinterest, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram. Read More
How do you tell a good story? And most importantly, why should you, as a product manager, learn how to tell a good story?

Let me give a quick example. I recently finished watching a show on Netflix called What If. The protagonist, Lisa, is the founder of a medtech company, and she is trying to g Read More
How can artificial intelligence and automation transform HR? With the rise of AI tech, this article explores some of the changes we can expect to the way the HR process works. Read More

How to create an Effective Startup Marketing Strategy

How to create an Effective Startup Marketing Strategy - Avatar Posted by zolachupik under Marketing
From 1853 days ago
Made Hot by: centrifugePR on June 13, 2019 8:27 am
Most startups fail at their startup marketing strategy simply because...they don't have any. And yet - having a documented marketing strategy increases your marketing ROI by 84%! Find out how to create one and what tools to use to get the best results! Read More

Most Of Your Customers Buy From Your Competition

Most Of Your Customers Buy From Your Competition  - Avatar Posted by KEXINO under Marketing
From 1853 days ago
Made Hot by: steefen on June 13, 2019 11:03 am
The majority of your potential customers are not buying from you, for reasons that make perfect sense to them. What are you doing to find meaningful competitive advantage? Read More
Friends trust friends more than they trust you. Word of mouth marketing is your ticket to leveraging that for your company's benefit. Read More

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