Heather_Stone voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Thinking about the day you sell your startup? Private companies should prepare for enticing calls from Private Equity (PE) firms and corporate buyers. Michael Evans advises you be ready with a strategy to explore and seriously consider the “deal that may be too good to pass up.” Read More
Those job candidates you write off as "over-qualified" are the smartest, most seasoned and productive workers you will every find. They will accomplish more in a 40-hour work week than a young green-horn will do in a month. And to top it off, they will work for less pay. Read More
The most reliable names in technology and social networking were listed as participants in PRISM, the NSA surveillance program, except for Twitter.
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Today, I’m going to show you how to build rapport with a potential client in just a few minutes over the phone.

It’s important to establish a great relationship with prospects because they will call you for more projects and mention you to other potential clients. Read More
If you’re like me, your freelance business is a one-person shop.

A lot of details come along with owning your business and making sure it operates efficiently. It’s a lot of work. But, you must get it done. If you do, you’ll make a lot of money. If you don’t, your ship will sink.
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Cindy Cyr reflects back to before she was living the writer’s life and shares a significant thing you can do to make real forward progress towards the writer’s life. Read More
Here is the ultimate content marketing infographic... it is just awesome and really descriptive... enjoy it :) Read More
Entrepreneurship is no piece of cake... regular behavior will not help you much... you have to think different and read the post to see the 10 principles entrepreneurs live by... Read More
Sometimes you just have a limited budget for marketing and expanding your business... I understand it since I had to grow my blog from scratch with close to no money... and I described how. Read More
Agreed: Search Engine Optimization has gotten much more difficult since Google brought the zoo to the party. Agreed: Most people do not search beyond the first page of Google results. Problem: How many ways can a business person use to get inbound backlinks? Here are 6 backlink strategies. Read More

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