Heather_Stone voted on the following stories on BizSugar

As home prices start to rebound in many parts of the country that were hard-hit during the mortgage crisis and the Great Recession, small business owners including construction companies, realtors, home remodeling businesses and interior designers are holding their breath, hoping home sales continu Read More
Do you think your business has the potential to be the next Facebook? It might stand a better chance if it’s in a region the SBA’s pinpointed as having strong support networks. Read More

9 Inbound Marketing Infographics Tools

9 Inbound Marketing Infographics Tools - http://info.broadvisionmarketing.com Avatar Posted by AnnMullen under Online Marketing
From http://info.broadvisionmarketing.com 4031 days ago
Made Hot by: businessluv on July 1, 2013 12:02 pm
Infographics offer an opportunity to present complex information in a visual format that's fun and easy to understand. Because nearly any content can be made into an engaging inbound marketing infographic, they are becoming popular. Here are 9 tools to help you make that first infographic. Read More
As your micro business grows and develops, chances are at some point you'll consider hiring a freelance worker. But in order to get a good return on the investment of your time and money and protect the value of your business assets, you really need to go in with the right approach and expectations Read More
Mobile Marketing is becoming the best way to reach potential clients. Is your inbound marketing strategy Mobile-ized for smartphones, tablets, netbooks? If not, you could be missing out on completing a sale because you weren't on the "phone." Read More
According to recent research, business leadership teams are finally starting to grasp the effectiveness and importance of content marketing programs. Read More
Most small businesses cannot afford to consult a marketing professional at every turn. Still, conducting a periodic audit of your marketing materials is a great way to ensure your brand has a memorable presence in the marketplace. This simple four-step process will allow you to ensure your material Read More

Likes are for Losers: How to Sell with Facebook Ads

Likes are for Losers: How to Sell with Facebook Ads  - http://blog.clarity.fm Avatar Posted by ryandonegan under Marketing
From http://blog.clarity.fm 4031 days ago
Made Hot by: thelastword on June 29, 2013 4:45 pm
Too many social media “marketers” are just trolling Facebook for ego-boosting likes. But you have a business to run. You want users and sales, not just fans. Read More
Google I/O, Google’s much anticipated 3-day yearly event wrapped up with some pretty exciting announcements. The three-and-a-half soiree brought together 6,000 developers at the Moscone Center in San Francisco where CEO Larry Page spent time Read More
What does social SEO mean? Social SEO refers to the idea that social media links and interaction play a considerable part in a website’s search rankings. It sounds complicated (and, in reality it is) but basically SEO is all about optimizing content – whether it’s on your website or on a social med Read More

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