Heather_Stone voted on the following stories on BizSugar

LinkedIn's evolution into a content platform continues with the launch of sponsored posts. Here’s the scoop on this new feature. Read More
A side hustle or whatever you want to call it is essentially, a side business. Making time for a side business can be tough but here's how to make it work. Read More

How to get more Google plus Traffic!

Avatar Posted by AmyJordan under Online Marketing
From http://internetdreams.com 4090 days ago
Made Hot by: Digitaladvert on July 10, 2013 8:03 pm
Bloggers, as soon as they were getting more Google plus traffic, started to fall in love with Google+ because of the potential traffic that can be driven from there. Read More

Top 10 Most Influential Mompreneurs of 2013

Avatar Posted by AmyJordan under Online Marketing
From http://socialmediasatisfied.com 4090 days ago
Made Hot by: tcamba on July 14, 2013 3:25 pm
Last month I mentioned that I had been selected as one of the top 50 Most Influential Mompreneurs of 2013. It was a real honor to be chosen for this list and I was happy with being in the top 50. But the site conducted voting to narrow that down even further to the Top 10 and that just finished up Read More

Boring vs intriguing; which one are you?

Avatar Posted by AmyJordan under Marketing
From http://vizionsconsulting.com 4090 days ago
Made Hot by: Webdev1 on July 14, 2013 2:45 pm
Ask yourself if your tweets, blog post or articles are boring or intriguing to your ideal clients. If your find yourself stating this statement below, then it’s time to rethink your approach. Read More

Being Present Is A Present For Yourself

Avatar Posted by ledux under Self-Development
From http://easym6.com 4090 days ago
Made Hot by: sundaydriver on July 14, 2013 3:33 pm
I’m studying self-improvement for a long time now, self-improvement actually brought me to the online world and I was progressing on self-improvement alongside with my business. It’s a topic that excites me and has helped me transform, reinvent myself, to be the best that I can be. Self-improvement Read More
Every small business needs to have social media presence to reach out to their customers. This article presents ideas on how to leverage social media to improve your business. Read More
Checking up on your online reputation is a must, especially for your business. And that’s what makes the most recent Best of BuyerZone edition super important to read: The Best Business Branding Blogs to Read in 2013

In this edition, I review ten blogs who continuously offer great advice on how Read More
A recent adjustment in Facebook’s guidelines regarding pages has created a lot of buzz for brand marketers. In case you missed it, the section of Facebook’s cover image guidelines regarding the percentage of text allowed on a cover image has quietly disappeared. It’s important that brand marketers Read More
Having a mobile optimized site is a big deal. It opens up your content to a potentially new, wider audience, and it keeps potential readers and customers from getting frustrated while trying to pinch and zoom. Not only that, having a mobile-friendly web presence will put you in good standing with G Read More

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