Heather_Stone voted on the following stories on BizSugar

The Summer Business Slow Down

Avatar Posted by ledux under Online Marketing
From http://easym6.com 4090 days ago
Made Hot by: centrifugePR on July 15, 2013 4:03 am
Like animals go to sleep in winter, business goes to sleep as well, but on summer. This happens for an obvious reason my friend, most of the people are on vacations enjoying their time outside, at the beaches and having fun, spending way less time in front of the computer. So, the traffic on the in Read More
It seems like a dream, but alas it is my reality now. This past Friday I was given the honor, yes honor, of being fitted for my Google Glass. The months since being notified that I was accepted into the #ifihadglass group, has been one long Christmas eve for me. The time went by at a snails pace, e Read More
Did you know you could extract simple information from your emails to visualize how you and the people in your life are interconnected? Three researchers at MIT knew, and they created an online tool to map your personal networks by analyzing metadata from your emails.
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Why Did You Start Your Business?

Avatar Posted by MyCorporation under Strategy
From http://hear.ceoblognation.com 4090 days ago
Made Hot by: Fulcrum on July 14, 2013 1:22 am
Each business has a story. No matter if the business is a Goliath like Wal-Mart, or a local business owned by a couple or family, the business has roots in an idea. For each business owner, the story of their journey can range from monetary needs or the passion for a unique project. Each story is d Read More
Here are the 10 mobile apps that allow me to be super productive when I’m out of the office. All of them are free, with some having paid options for additional features. They also work on both Android and iOS. Read More
"You probably get all kinds of advice telling you that you should repurpose your existing content. Just to be clear, content repurposing is taking one piece of your high quality content at a time, and then using multiple channels of distribution and strategic repurposing to spread that content in d Read More
In the following post you’re going to discover the inner workings of what I can only describe as one of the best mailing list plugins available for WordPress right now.

You’ll learn everything you need to know to make a decision and also exactly why I bought it and use it on all of my websites. Read More
Before you are ready to create your Web Marketing Campaign, you want to put together a Creative Brief that will guide your Web Marketing Campaign. You and your client need to sit down and discuss this. So what is a Creative Brief and how do you make one? Read More
It was a matter of life or death, but the problem was 205,000 miles away. Kepner-Tregoe's Problem Analysis to the rescue. Interested? You saw the movie, Apollo XIII, now learn about the real thing. Read More
By going beyond the mere acknowledgment of the culture fit component in hiring to also intentionally reduce the level of bias involved in its implementation, hiring managers can dramatically improve the quality of hire while also maintaining, if not celebrating, diversity. What’s more, they simulta Read More

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