HomeBusinessMedia voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Kaleidico has always been one of the leading innovators in lead management and its critical role in converting Internet leads.

Kaleidico's Sales Manager is Innovation

Our Sales Manager lead management software has led the way many times in the Internet lead generation space: Read More
An eMarketer report entitled "Small Businesses Step Up Online" revealed that "Only 38% of small businesses polled had a company Website, but one-third of respondents said they would if they had more time and money to spend on it." So, for those of you looking to develop a professional and cost effective website I recommend WordPress. Read More
A collection of must read books for every entrepreneur. Includes topics such as social media, innovative public relations, new marketing and business in general. Read More
There is a lot of focus put on the number of followers and fans you have in the social media world as a small business.  And there are many scams and illegitimate ways to grow your following.

I’m an advocate of “quality not quantity” when it comes to followers, but I did increase my twitter following 40.10% in under 2 weeks Read More
The purpose of any business should be to profitably create experiences that are so compelling to their customers that loyalty is nearly assured. Read More
Creating a URL structure that describes the content can improve Google ranking of the website. This can be done by organizing the website by creating descriptive categories and filenames for the documents, helping in logical creation of simple and user friendly URLs. Read More
Is traditional marketing dead? Does Engagement Rule? The focus in 2010 is engagement and building a relationship with customers. It sounds simply but ends up being as clear as mud. Here's a simple, practical and do-able way to connect. Learn how to make people like you and your company! Read More

The Einstein Conundrum: Imagination vs. Knowledge in the Business World

Avatar Posted by yoni67 under Strategy
From http://jobshuk.com 5429 days ago
Made Hot by: mssux on January 19, 2010 7:48 pm
It's one of the most famous quotes from the greatest thinker of the 20th century: "Imagination is more important than knowledge." Applied to quantum physics and the "Theory of Relativity" he might have been right. But did he miss the mark as applies to business? Come find out... Read More
How to get you idea's across to lots of different people in your target audience by using SlideShare.

A great tool for sharing Power Point presentations, SlideShare will also allow you to target people by keywords and a description. Read More
Businesses always have problems needing to be addressed but often we confine them to the too hard basket, or turn a blind eye to them, in the vain hope that they will somehow just go away, or someone else will resolve them for us. This article explains why this occurs, and then outlines 6 steps to help break the cycle, and ultimately prevent those little problems growing into monsters. Read More

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