HomeBusinessMedia voted on the following stories on BizSugar

I used this image in a recent presentation on social media to help set the table for one of my primary themes – social media is not a single tool or tactic, it’s more of a strategy or behavior.

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duct tape rulesI was wondering if you my readers could help me out by suggesting captions for this image. Simply write a clever caption in Read More
A feature on a unique start up out of St. Louis Missouri. Yurbuds makes custom fitted ear buds and has raised venture money in a down economy. Read More
Part of our daily experience is the commute to and from work. Right now that experience is taking money out of our pockets when we could be using it as an opportunity to put money in our pockets! Read More
Apart from drafting a plan and resolutions to grow your business, you should realize that as an entrepreneur or business owner, you should be improving yourself continuously on different aspects of business. 21 small business owners and entrepreneurs have agreed to share how they plan to improve themselves in 2010 so that they can become a better leader and manager for their business. Read More
I explained some of the relationships I have formed through Twitter. They became REAL excited when I gave examples of the relationship aspect of Twitter, after all, isn’t that one of the biggest parts of sales as well, relationship building? Read More
Earlier this morning, I was reading a discussion on LinkedIn about what makes for good client service for lawyers and accountants. This question always comes up when we conduct customer surveys – something that we always do when helping our... Read More

The Brits vs the Americans – spot the differences

Avatar Posted by bloggertone under Global
From http://bloggertone.com 5428 days ago
Made Hot by: on January 20, 2010 11:43 pm
Working cross-culturally definitely has its rewards, but it’s important to make efforts to understand the differences between your own habits and the expectations of those where you are doing business. Taking a look at working in Britain versus American for instance. There are more similarities than differences between Brits and Americans, but understanding the nuances helps. Read More
Tough economy got you - and your sales - down? It doesn't have to be that way. Here are twelve, highly effective yet simple ways to blow the hinges off your sales this year. Read More

Oops - Where Did The Money Go!

Avatar Posted by bloggertone under Strategy
From http://bloggertone.com 5428 days ago
Made Hot by: mssux on January 21, 2010 6:37 pm
How many of us look at the monthly bank statements or invoices issued as an indicator for how well we are managing our project costs? Read More
Raising money for a non-profit organization is no easy ordeal. However, having effective promotional materials like brochures help communicate your message to as many people in an effective way. With proper execution, your fundraiser brochures can contribute to the success of your campaign Read More

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