JVRudnick voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Since most of the traffic coming to the website is from search engines, it is a mandatory requirement to increase and improve the search engine optimization so that your search engine ranking goes higher which will increase visitors to your pages. Read More
Yup, I used the word “expert” and yup, I’m on that list and yup, that’s a heap of gumption, eh!

But I’m just re-stating the title that the folks over at DIY SEO used, honestly…I claim no such a title…I’m just a working SEO practitioner !

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Buzz marketing is a powerful tool that many people do not understand nor apply, but it’s value is so important, as it brands a company and lays the foundation for future stability and growth. Read on and see if this is for you. Read More
The next time you’re on a sales call and hear a customer express a need to make a change, SLOW DOWN. Do not jump into your pitch. Begin exploring the customer’s needs in more detail. Read More
Passwords. We use them every day. We have them for everything from LinkedIN to Facebook, to Twitter to our own WP sites, Paypal, online banking and more. And we’re all at risk, eh!

Why? Well, passwords aren’t so tough to crack, are they? Not really and for me, the remembering has always been th Read More
Okay, you’re thinking who’n heck is this “Outbrain” group and why should I pay any attention at all…which is perhaps a valid query in today’s harried and hurried times. But this one is very interesting, folks…and let me explain why, eh!

Outbrain is found here…and their About Us page says the fol Read More
Today’s guest Jeff Erramouspe discusses how sales and marketing need to and can come together around one process. Jeff outlines three ways marketing automation can help sales even after the handoff from marketing. Read More
Many things are scarce in this world but I’m sure that “attention” is one of the scarcest resources of all at the moment.
Brands and companies believe that this new online world is about more and more campaigns. It’s not. Really? Read More
Hey all….we’ve been so wrapped up in various client matters that this morning I’d just like to catch up with many great items out there in the SEO world!

To begin, yes, Google has made a change in their own branded online review process which “used” to be the Google HotPot….but no longer, eh!
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Why do so many small business owners expect marketing to be quick-and-easy one-time event? Statistically, the chances of getting any measurable response from a single ad, postcard, email, etc. are going to be pretty slim. What does it really take to successfully market a small business? Read More

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