JVRudnick voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Within the startup realm, there is a big difference between having an innovative product versus an innovative business. Some startups have a new technology, but stick to a tried-and-true business model. Others take an existing product, and give it new life with a creative business model. The most c Read More
Do you have a website or a blog? Do you want to see how you might improve your site so that you might get a better ranking? Read More
Yup, this is the third annual version of the 2011 Social Media Marketing Report, from the folks over at Social Media Examiner - and as usual, I’m pumped about the results! First, go and download the .pdf for yourownself and then dig in!

I know that if you’re like me, you’ll find this report cho Read More
It’s likely that the end goal of your email marketing campaigns is to get your subscribers to convert. Whether it’s purchasing your product, taking a survey, or signing up for an event, you want recipients to take a certain action, but that’s not an issue if no one sees your email in the first plac Read More
Title Tag is the single most vitally important on-page SEO element for any site. It appears in three key places. It is a line of text that is usually shown both at the top of the browser window and in applicable tabs. It is also displayed in search engine results. It is also shown as a link ancho Read More
Well, keeping up with Google is a real chore at times and a new, just launched program entitled “Google +1″ has entered the online social mileu in the last few days. And what do I think? Ummm…well, here’s the skinny on this attempt by Google to try to IMHO, institute a new “social” indicator into t Read More
We live and breathe, SEO. We run reports daily, sometimes twice a day and when Google makes changes like so many times last year, we run them three or four times daily. We compare and contrast what we find in the rankings and then hypothesize as to the “why” the Google algo handled our client’s sit Read More
It has already been almost a year since Facebook beta tested the new version of their Questions feature and now it is already released. The new version of Questions focused more on asking questions to friends and soliciting recommendations based on their answers. Read More
You’ve probably heard of Fiverr, the marketplace for $5 jobs. There are a bunch of SEO-related gigs on the site. I don’t like spending time doing much off-site SEO work, so I decided to try one of these out to see if they were worth anything. The results were actually pretty surprising! Read More
Yup, this new program, just launched, offers up to any Canadian business the opportunity to get a free website, a free hosting deal, free tools to help build that site and a dot.ca domain address…and who’s footing the bill for this? Ah….well…it appears that this is from Google, RBC bank, Rogers Co Read More

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