JVRudnick voted on the following stories on BizSugar

I was talking to a friend of mine yesterday, a very successful blogger whose blog most of you know, read, and love. For the purposes of this post though, I’ll keep the mystery and won’t reveal her name. She asked me this question:

if I wanted to make say $1200 tomorrow, what would I do? Read More
While big brands and national advertisers are embracing social media in highly visible (and not always competent) ways, the real evidence of its long-term utility is the high rate of adoption by small business owners, who are ramping up spending to reach potential customers in local markets, accord Read More
Never ever posted a personal item here on my Canadian SEO blog…but this is an event that I just had to share…

Early early today at about 4:00 am, Tripp Martin Mihalik was born….our second grandchild and I’m so proud I could burst!

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Friday, the sun is finally shining and I’m thinking that I’ve got more than enough on my “first of the year” long summer weekends….so here’s a roundup of the top outstanding items I’ve been looking at mentionning – and now am, eh!

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Fame Trumps SEO

Fame Trumps SEO - http://www.seo-writer.com Avatar Posted by amabaie under Online Marketing
From http://www.seo-writer.com 4780 days ago
Made Hot by: knsfinancial on May 21, 2011 1:20 am
The lesson from this case study if that if you want top search engines rankings for your personal brand, get famous. Do things that win you real acclaim out in the real world, and Google will reward you on the Internet for your renown. Read More
Yup, time I think today to update our list of working Canadian Citations for all of our Canuck DIY SEO readers and the list has grown, eh!

As we commented before on the original source of our then shorter list, it came from David Mihm, the well known and respected Local Search expert whose own Read More
This week John Jantsch is giving away 5 free iPad2's in honor of Small Business Week. There are five guest stars each day and five guest posts published each day. Correctly match the post with the author to win an iPad! Read More
Some would say that the more followers a brand/company/person has on Twitter, the better. While quantity is important, I would argue that the quality of those followers is going to be more heavily weighed than the quantity. Just like anything else deemed important for SEO, once the search engines s Read More
Well, after a heck of a week pounding away at keyword research, new site designs, web development proposals and yes, even some family time, I thought it was appropos that I look at and update the recently announced free websites for Canadian SMB program.

As you may remember, we reported on same Read More
Social media marketing is one of the more recent additions to SEO. In the last few years it’s grown from an online medium reserved mostly for college kids and early adopters to an integral part of Fortune 500 companies’ marketing strategy. It seems that every business and brand has at least a Faceb Read More

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