JVRudnick voted on the following stories on BizSugar

While marketing automation has the potential to produce big results (a recent survey reported that some companies are seeing a more-than-150% increase in revenue since implementation), the initial investment is costly both in terms of direct expenses and employee time. You need to be sure that the Read More
At this year’s I/O developer conference, Google previewed its future mobile operating system, temporarily being referred to as Android “L-release.” The release will overhaul the look of Android across platforms, including smartphones, tablets, and even Chrome and Google’s web services. Read More
This is perhaps one of the best blog posts I’ve seen lately – in fact this year, and it’s from one of the best LOCAL SEO practitioners you’ll find here in North America, Miriam Ellis of Solas Web Design and yup, we know each other too! Not a real disclaimer but in fact a Kudos statement! This is go Read More

Canva: Bringing Do It Yourself Design To The Masses

Avatar Posted by cegeland under Social Media
From http://socialthreesixty.com 3741 days ago
Made Hot by: PMVirtual on June 25, 2014 4:39 am
Looking for an affordable and easy to use tool that can help you create visual that pack a punch? Canva could be your new favourite thing. Read More
These WordPress plugins are essential on every Wordpress website. I personally have installed these on all websites I have built. Let me know if you believe there are anymore essential WordPress Plugins that I missed! Read More
Been a long one of course – the week I mean – but on the whole pretty good for our SEO client roster. We’ve gotten a couple of same up on page 1, we’ve found a new tactic to get LOCAL traction for another and we’re still working on a set of hypothesis tactics that just may play out for our whole ro Read More
The following infographic will show you the 10 hard-to-ignore reasons why infographics is useful to SEO and digital marketing. Read More
Social media has become a main focus for marketing departments, regardless of the organisation’s size.

A strong social media presence leads to brand awareness, strong customer relationship management, target market expansion, valuable feedback and a boost in web analytics.

While this may be t Read More
After tripling profits three years in a row, Tel Aviv-based business intelligence and big data solution SiSense gets another $30 million in funding. Why? Because math-phobic luddites like me need tech, data and analytics too. SiSense looks to disrupt the business intelligence world by creating ways Read More
Okay, so you copied and pasted that big huge word up in the title of this post into Google and found that the definition of same is “the fear of Friday the 13th..” and that’s okay, so did I. But why, praytell am I using this term today…take a look at your calendar, eh!

Yup…it’s Friday June 13th Read More

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