JVRudnick voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Benchmarking Big Data is the process of comparing your results against a competitive set and finding out you where you stand in relation to them Read More
This week, I’d like to talk about how to step into your true power as an inspired leader, empowered creator and enlightened entrepreneur. Why? Because when your true power is in action you awaken the amazing, courageous and creative person within you, you let your intuitive voice, ideas and passion Read More
Video marketing and using video media can benefit any industry. The Financial and legal sectors have been slow at the uptake but this article will help their video strategy. Read More
Okay, you’ve been thinking about your own SMB marketing plan you’ve got up and running for 2014, and if it’s one thing that’s standing out, it’s the lack somehow of great SEO rankings for your local, national or global sites….like the rest of the world. And if it’s one more thing that is nagging at Read More
Selling doesn’t work like it used to. But informing, educating and entertaining does. Here are five essential functions for any successful content strategy. Read More
In 2013, marketers dropped a record $42.8 billion on internet advertising according to the trade group Interactive Advertising Bureau. To put that into perspective, during the same year, only about $40 billion was spent on broadcast television ads. But here’s the kicker: an estimated 36% of the bil Read More
If you don't know how to establish yourself as an expert AND make people remember you, your content marketing strategy will never work. Read More
We just put up our own Crowdfunding Campaign over on fundhamont.com and thought that we’d post this here for our readers…

Okay, I’m asking for the whole #HamOnt community to step-up and show our own City Hall, our community and yes the globe just what we can do on our own….raise funds to help pa Read More
Again, as I know when the day turns to Friday, that yup, it’s been a busy busy week filled with clients and online marketing Campaigns and startups and crowdfundning and angel investing….thank gosh there’s only 24 hours in a day!

Again, as I know when the day turns to Friday, that yup, it’s been Read More
Having images alongside your blog posts is a definite plus.

A blog with good quality, relevant images has a certain edge over a blog that offers nothing but text to its visitors, at least as far as aesthetic value is concerned.

An image is worth a thousand words, but for some reasons, blogger Read More

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