JVRudnick voted on the following stories on BizSugar

While working towards a small business breakthrough, things often get tough and it can be hard to find the right words to motivate. Here is a new small business mantra, taught by one of my favorite elementary school teachers. Read More
Here are 5 key points to help you find your high paying clients for freelance writers and for any freelance business you may have. Read More
One of those weeks, eh…where you work hard for clients….invest time in networking and meeting up with your Mentorees…and still find time to stay aware of what’s new in your SEO channel. Yes, one of those weeks that for the most part are busy busy. Which gets me to the point of what we do here at KK Read More
The main cause of problems with the original site design and layout was the navigation. Navigation can literally make or break your eCommerce business; that is why creating a strategy and plan of attack when building a website so important. Read More
Every inventor seems to think their invention is worth a million dollars, but I haven’t seen anyone pay that much for one yet. In fact, I often have to tell aspiring entrepreneurs that their inventions have zero value, at least not until they are put in the context of a business plan, with qualifie Read More
Running a non-profit is hard (and before you ask, yes, I have been thinking about changing my name to Captain Obvious Jacobson). Resources are stretched pretty thin, and most of the time money is not allocated to advertising. So how is a non-profit supposed to grow its reach? Read More
Insider information…meant for Google employees only….but somehow “leaked” to us non-Google employees…could there be a greater way to learn from “the horse’s mouth?” Nope….I don’t think so either.

S0…160 pages of top quality Google SEO quality guidelilnes for their “raters” to use to aid Google Read More
When seeking funding from an investor, it's very important for you to see your business and its potential from the investor's perspective, essentially stepping into the investor's shoes. Why is this important? Taking the investor's perspective will help you really think of your business as a valuab Read More
I love my iPad because it allows me to do almost anything I need to in relation to my business — no matter where I am. You can run your business from the iPad, too. Here are 7+ apps that will turn your iPad into a mobile business center: Read More
Mobile traffic continues to grow its share of all internet usage, making it more and more important to include a mobile strategy in small businesses. Read More

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