JVRudnick voted on the following stories on BizSugar

In my opinion, the first part of any new SEO strategy should focus on the onsite optimization aspects including keyword research, content optimization, navigation and internal structure and more. My reason for this is that the best link building campaign in the world may drive visitors to your site Read More
Okay, it’s a Friday again and I’m jammed, but by now our regular readers know that….end-of-the-week issues for us always arise as clients and Google seem to want to make changes just before the weekend starts…sigh….the life of a Canadian SEO practitioner is fraught with too many tasks in short time Read More
If you’ve optimized your site and started link building, but still aren’t seeing the increase in traffic that you’d like- what options do you have? If you don’t currently have a business blog that is attached to your website, that’s the first place to start. Read More
Many site owners have had the question “What do I do with my old blog posts?” Perhaps they are moving from one blogging platform to another, maybe they want to delete two different company blogs and focus on a new one—whatever the reason, they need to get rid of an older blog. The question then bec Read More
Well my post last Friday obviously hit some SMB nerves…as we’ ve fielded questions from clients, from SEO peers, from friends and just about every type of forum/blog comment links that linked to our original last Friday post found here.

Negative SEO exists. Works. And can be used against you and Read More
Inbound links pointing to your site can be “dofollow” or “nofollow”. Dofollow links are regular links that the search engines crawl and use to establish website relevancy and power. They pass on trust from one website to another. Nofollow links have an additional attribute and look like this: a hre Read More
First off, it’s important to mention that a website can be penalized by Google in two different ways—manual action or algorithmic update. A manual penalty means a human employee at Google physically reviewed your website and issued a penalty. An algorithmic penalty happens when your site gets caugh Read More
Okay, so you are an SMB owner, with a website that you use to bring in new leads or sell products or services and you’re wondering about your site’s rankings and effects of recent changes to the Google algorithm. Or you’ve perhaps noticed that your own site’s rankings have “dipped” a bit and you w Read More
When you go to networking events you should be on a mission to start developing new relationships. Follow these 3 tips for networking success. Read More
Continually working to find new clients is important for any business. Complacency is a small business killer. Here are 11 ways to find new clients. Read More

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