JVRudnick voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Startup companies that recently launched their website (or are about to) have everything going for them. You have the opportunity to get your SEO off on the right foot from the get-go and not have to worry about any past black hat or grey hat activities that might come back to haunt you. With such Read More

Starting A Business: How To Prepare Yourself Financially

Starting A Business: How To Prepare Yourself Financially - http://www.boomerandecho.com Avatar Posted by amabaie under Finance
From http://www.boomerandecho.com 4381 days ago
Made Hot by: Cathode Ray Dude on July 14, 2012 3:42 am
This post offers some words of advice on how to get over your fears and prepare yourself mentally and financially when starting a business. Read More
Most likely you already know what an “Elevator Pitch” is – that supposedly, it’s a short very to-the-point pitch that you give to an investor prospect in less than a minute….say the same amount of time it’d take to ride up to an office in a downtown skyscraper.

Least, that’s the thinking and wha Read More
The more you try to understand your mind the more involved your mind becomes. It's like trying to put a fire out with gasoline. Read More
You may remember my recent case study on bad social media manners. Well, here is another one for you.

Earlier this week, as I was checking my daily Google Alerts emails, I noticed a title that looked strangely similar to the one I had used for one of my recent social media articles on Examiner.c Read More
It’s about time I blogged on this – the fact that when you ask any entrepreneur, startup founder, C-level exec “how you doing?” the answer is usually the same! Busy! Crazy busy! Too too busy! Not enough hours in the day type of answer…and there’s the rub! Are you – are we – all too too busy?

He Read More
Short posting today….trying to finish off still what’s been a very very busy week…but as a member of the group that attended last evening’s launch of our #HamOnt “Women in Technology Hamilton” event at the Baltimore House, it was a great event, eh!

Yup, sure was. I went early (as always) and had Read More
Small Biz CEO: If you have just ONE employee that deals with customers or potential customers, then they are in “sales,” and you are their sales manager. Read More
Okay, you’ve most likely heard tons of stories about how some app developers on either the iOS or Android or even the RIM platform have made tons of money, bought the Maserati and retired to the beach on Nevis….and you’re figuring that this may just be the biz model to clone and follow.

Not so f Read More
Yup, been a heck of a week or two in the recent past when it comes to Google and the changes that they’re bringing to the SMB marketplace – and the changes that we’ve been seeing and tracking are varied but yes, they’re going to mean that many of us will need to re-position our own or our clients s Read More

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