JVRudnick voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Customer testimonials are FREE advertising for your business. Get more of them... and use them to help you sell!

How to leverage loyal customers into your best advocates to help market your business and influence purchases from new customers... Read More
I’ve worked in several industries, advertising, music, sports, and others. I’ve enjoyed most of them and learned different things. Each industry is unique but there are several lessons I’ve learned – that you will never be great unless you take risks and think outside the box. I also learned that.. Read More
As you can see….todays posting is just a short one, but it’s still apropos of both who we are and what we do!

Recently, the Hamilton Chamber of Commerce nominated us for their 2012 Annual Outstanding Business Awards in the category of Communication Technology firms and to do that they had to s Read More
Have you often longed for a .COM Web address that’s already being used by someone else? With a new era in domain names on its way, there’ll be new opportunities for registering the address you desire with an important new extension: .WEB. Thanks to new procedures enacted by ICANN, the governing bod Read More
The great thing about business tax deductions is that you can add them up all year, whether you own a growing small business at an on-site location, or whether you have a home business. Don't think that running your legitimate business out of your home prevents you from taking the tax deductions th Read More
Okay, you may want to know first, what prompted this blog piece and to be totally honest it was the comments of an attendee at a workshop I gave yesterday down at MIPs for the Innovation Factory StartupWeekendHamilton:2 runnerup winners.

The prize that they won that we donated was to get a works Read More
Okay, I don’t know this guy. We’ve never met. And I’ve never even heard him speak at a conference, workshop etc. But after reading his long blog piece on “Linking Strategies,” I would pay good hard-earned Canuck cash to do just that! This man, Ted Ives knows SEO! And this piece is over 5000 words o Read More
Don’t know about you, but when I see something that touts itself as the “7 Magic Tips” or the “Pros Answers to Everything” type of blog post, I tend to think that it’s really about the magic in the title rather than the contents therein.

Title bait, I call it…and from what I’ve seen, yup it wor Read More
Okay, first things first – as you will most likely already know, I’m very involved with our Hamilton startup community and our RIC, the MIPs based Innovation Factory over on Longwood Road. As such a supporter, it’s been my pleasure to have tried to help them keep up that “head of steam” momentum th Read More
Small business owners are becoming more optimistic about the availability of credit, a new survey by Gallup shows. The Wells Fargo/Gallup Small Business Index poll conducted last month shows that small business owners’ perception of the ease of obtaining credit is the most positive it has been in t Read More

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