JanetG voted on the following stories on BizSugar

You may have heard from numerous experts that now is a great time to do hiring for your small business. With a harsh economic climate and high unemployment, there is an opportunity here to pick up some great talent and be able to grow your business too. But how can you attract and hire the people you need both now and after the economic downturn resolves? About.com's Susan Ward of Small Business Read More
We've looked high and low to find the Internets best social networking sites specifically designed for small business, entrepreneurs, and startups. Here's the ultimate list! Read More

Ten Reasons Why Going Global Is Advantageous To Your Company

Ten Reasons Why Going Global Is Advantageous To Your Company - http://borderbuster.blogspot.com Avatar Posted by VictoriaJones under Global
From http://borderbuster.blogspot.com 5255 days ago
Made Hot by: zanedillon on February 14, 2010 5:07 am
Technology is shrinking our world into a smaller, easier place to do business and is fundamentally reshaping our lives. Here are ten reasons why going global is advantageous to your company. Read More

Google Confuses Us with Its Charming TV Appearance

Google Confuses Us with Its Charming TV Appearance - http://www.digitaltrends.com Avatar Posted by jsternal under Advertising
From http://www.digitaltrends.com 5256 days ago
Made Hot by: Jed on February 11, 2010 3:10 am
Riddle me this, Google execs and PR department: Why did Google choose to market its search engine—probably the only product that doesn’t need advertising—in a very expensive Super Bowl commercial? That, Google, is the only real question we have for you. Why market something that’s already a winner in its space and beyond? Google’s search engine already holds roughly two-thirds of the market. Read More

Franchise Prices Slashed! Huge Rebates! Yada, Yada, Yada...

Franchise Prices Slashed! Huge Rebates! Yada, Yada, Yada... - http://www.thefranchisekingblog.com Avatar Posted by franpro under Franchises
From http://www.thefranchisekingblog.com 5256 days ago
Made Hot by: alastair on February 12, 2010 9:54 pm
Will 2010 be remembered as the year franchising as we know it, went totally down the tubes? Check this out; In an effort to boost sales of new franchises, a certain franchise coaching company has decided to offer rebates... Read More

New Eyes Rectify SME Blindness

New Eyes Rectify SME Blindness - http://rhodanmc.blogspot.com Avatar Posted by rhodanmc under Management
From http://rhodanmc.blogspot.com 5256 days ago
Made Hot by: Jed on February 10, 2010 9:10 pm
One effect of suffering from the "can't see the forest for the trees" syndrome is that a SME Business Owner can start to live wholly in their own world, and eventually lose sight of the bigger, business picture. I call this affliction SME Blindness and this article explains what to do about it. Read More
In his book, The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, Dr. Stephen Covey recounts a conversation with a man who hated attending out-of-town training events. The man explained that his wife calls and hounds him on every detail of the day, whom he dines with, etc., and that he felt imprisoned by it. Read More

Generating More Leads with Video White Papers

Generating More Leads with Video White Papers - http://www.whitepapercompany.com Avatar Posted by WhitePaperPundit under Online Marketing
From http://www.whitepapercompany.com 5258 days ago
Made Hot by: tiroberts on February 8, 2010 4:25 am
Interested in a new way to generate leads with white papers? Consider the "video" white paper. For companies that employ them, this novel approach to white paper marketing can generate a substantial number of incremental leads for the cost of about two standard white papers.

This post will show you how one company substantially increased the number of downloads for their white papers and incr Read More
If you want to retain your best talent, be able to draw the best talent and increase your business all at the same time, it's possible. Entrepreneur.com reports that the key is to create an employee benefits program that rewards employees for generating more business. Follow the link for more details. Read More

Do You Have a Tax Plan for Your Small Business?

Avatar Posted by ShawnHessinger under Taxes
From http://www.youtube.com 5260 days ago
Made Hot by: yoni67 on February 7, 2010 2:28 am
David John Marotta, president of Marotta Wealth Management, talks about developing a tax plan to accomplish your small business goals. Read More

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