JanetG voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Lil Wayne has become the best rapper alive t by creating content, which he then distributed to the masses. You can do the same do the same with your business. Read More
If you make changes to your own website through a content management system, there are a lot of things that can disrupt the chi of your website that your designer developed. The wrong combination of fonts, colors, and imagery can spell disaster to the most elegant of designs. Here are three great tips to help you avoid some common mistakes. Read More
Being an entrepreneur in high school or even college has its pros and cons. Based on my experience as well as on feedback, I'd like to share with you what I think are the upsides and downsides. Read More
If your business is recovering or expanding and you need to hire new people or re-hire former employees, budget for the true cost of each additional employee. Wages aren’t your only cost. There are various payroll taxes, employee benefits, and hidden costs that can jack up the cost for adding a worker. And new laws may provide tax reductions — or additions -- for staffing up.

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The next two weeks will be busy ones for fans of Subway, and it's famous $5 Footlongs(tm). Enter the Famous Fans, who bring their love of SUBWAY(r) sandwiches to life on the court, in their race cars, in the pool... Read More
Since coming to the throne in 1999, King Abdullah of Jordan regularly dresses up as a commoner to inspect his kingdom "incognito!" It gives him a highly-accurate perspective of what is going on around him. What can we as businesspeople learn from this unique approach? Lessons, tips and advice abound... Read More
Bad customer service should never, under an circumstances, be tolerated. You have a right to expect excellent customer service, and it's time to demand that right. Read More

4 Reasons Twitter Lists Should Be a Priority

4 Reasons Twitter Lists Should Be a Priority  - http://www.ryanhanley.com Avatar Posted by ryanhanley under Online Marketing
From http://www.ryanhanley.com 5205 days ago
Made Hot by: omgzam on April 5, 2010 1:25 pm
Furthermore, if your negativity towards Twitter has anything to do with being Old School than you need to get over that and learn how apply Old School business to New Technology. Read More
Interview with The Franchise King Joel Libava on building his personal brand, how to build your brand online, tips for entrepreneurs and more. Read More
The Kitchen Nightmares show on Fox is not just about kitchen drama. There are some very significant small business strategies to be learned that are extremely valuable to you as a business owner. Read More

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