JoshRed voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Happy Christmas from the Boagworld Show [podcast]

Happy Christmas from the Boagworld Show [podcast] - Avatar Posted by lyceum under News
From 3477 days ago
Made Hot by: JoshRed on December 30, 2014 1:03 pm
Every Thursday Paul Boag and Marcus Lillington are joined by a variety of guests to discuss a range of web design related topics. The show is fun, informative and quintessentially British! With content for designers, developers and website owners, you can be sure it will have something for everybod Read More
You hear about famous brands, such as Nike, Starbucks, Lego and Reddit, all the time. These brands are the most popular and highly publicized. Their logos instantly recognizable but do you know how their names came about and what they actually mean?
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It can make things difficult when you telecommute and your internet connection is not working. Some suggestions on what to do when you lose your internet connection in the middle of a big job. Read More
Business networking tips from Marie Forleo are all you need to become better connected and more successful in business. Read More
Make money online is easy. The big question is: How much money you want to make? Learn how to stop making dimes and start building a real business, online. Read More

Innovative Services Are A Huge Boon For Startups

Innovative Services Are A Huge Boon For Startups - Avatar Posted by martinzwilling under Startups
From 3478 days ago
Made Hot by: luvhealthcare on January 1, 2015 1:00 am
Startups that sell innovative new products seem to get all the attention these days, but services may be the quicker way to larger profits and faster growth. Of course, we all love disruptive new products, like the Pebble Smart Watch and Google Glass, but recent innovative services startups, includ Read More
If you are a manager, then you have a job that can, sometimes, be difficult to do. There are many aspects to managing tasks and people. And you might need some help with certain aspects of leadership and management.

If you want to know more about this please read on…

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How to welcome the new guy or gal at the office. A project manager's guide to helping the newbie feel comfortable without information overload. Read More
Want to increase revenue in 2015? Here are five predictions why personalized marketing should be included in your New year's strategy. Read More

3 Lessons Businesses Can Learn From the Sony Hacking Scandal

3 Lessons Businesses Can Learn From the Sony Hacking Scandal - Avatar Posted by TekShouts under News
From 3479 days ago
Made Hot by: fusionswim on December 25, 2014 12:59 pm
The recent cyber attacks from North Korean hackers have been influencing Sony on an international level, but this doesn't mean that small business owners cannot learn from the large corporation's ordeal. Read More

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