JoshRed voted on the following stories on BizSugar

I recently did an inventory of all the SEO tools I’ve used over years for my recent Kindle resource, 99 SEO Tools for 99 Cents. While it’s great to know that there are multiple tools available on the market to solve any SEO need, I wanted to bring the list down to the 10 essential SEO tools for sma Read More
I’ve had this question in my mind for quite a while; What is the relationship between social media and PR? I’ve always felt unskilled at PR, yet social media excites me. And as I looked at which kinds of people were picking up on social media and how firms were using it – I noticed that it seemed Read More
If you define your self-worth as an entrepreneur by how busy you are, it’s time to find another lifestyle. We all know people who are extraordinarily busy, but never seem to accomplish anything. For survival, entrepreneurs need to be all about accomplishing results that matter for themselves, their Read More
Do you look into the New Year with positive anticipation or fearful trepidation? If it is fearful trepidation and you don't like the feeling, then you need to change your approach. Make some decisions that will cause you to look forward with positive anticipation and a sense of happiness. Read More
The benefits of fully equipped CRM for SME are infinite. But to cut the long story short, CRM is supposed to help you provide services above and beyond the expected. Meeting consumer expectation is now harder than ever. Simply because, the bar is being set higher all the time. Read More
Do you want to know the best books for every entrepreneur? These books will help every entrepreneur and small business owner become more successful. Read More

3 Words to Guide Your Business in 2015

3 Words to Guide Your Business in 2015 - Avatar Posted by Kimberly721 under Startups
From 3468 days ago
Made Hot by: steefen on January 3, 2015 8:52 pm
How will you focus your efforts in 2015? Here's more about the three word rule and the words I chose to guide my success in the New Year. Read More

Why Most New Year Resolutions Will Not Work

Why Most New Year Resolutions Will Not Work - Avatar Posted by Louisa under Online Marketing
From 3468 days ago
Made Hot by: maestro68 on January 4, 2015 1:18 pm
Why Most New Year Resolutions Will Not Work and How Yours Can Be Different: 3 proven business mindsets and life hacks to help you achieve this year's business goals. Read More
When we run our own business, ongoing learning becomes more critical than ever before. Why is ongoing learning essential for you as an entrepreneur? Read More
All these 15 good habits will help you take your blog to the next level. These will help you transform both your blog and your personal life. Read More

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