JoshRed voted on the following stories on BizSugar

10 Reasons to Be Optimistic Looking Forward

Avatar Posted by Jed under Management
From 3553 days ago
Made Hot by: JoshRed on January 9, 2015 6:20 am
Today’s a great day to put on a smile, enjoy the blue skies and stay for a while. We have been fighting, clawing and climbing our way back from the downturn seemingly forever. But now, we have so many reasons to be optimistic. Read More
As we enter the New Year with promise, energy and vision; let's us focus on being practical, tenacious and realistic in our efforts. Why do we wait until the beginning of the year to make commitments and discipline ourselves?

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A new year is upon us, and I definitely have a treat for you with my first blog post of 2015. My friend, Sue Anne Dunlevie, has some great ideas to share that will help each of us to easily come up with content for our blogs. I mean, who doesn’t need help with that? Read More
The demand for content marketers is quickly outpacing the supply. Here's how to spot the individuals who have "the right stuff" to take your company's content marketing program to the next level. Read More
Content can be repurposed in two ways. One is digging through archives and extracting content that may exist on internal servers, product portals, websites or intranets and has also outlived its utility in its current shape and form. Obviously, there has been some investment in terms of time and mo Read More
Switching between windows and tabs while working might only take a second, but when you compound these seconds over the course of a day, a month, a year - surely there's a more efficient way to work!

Take a look at this infographic, designed by Web Hosting Reviews, and learn how you - as a desig Read More

Seven Habits

Avatar Posted by CorporateCoachG under Human Resources
From 3553 days ago
Made Hot by: logistico on January 8, 2015 6:16 am
Look carefully at your habits. Ask yourself, “If repeated, are my current habits likely to take me in the direction of improved circumstances?” If yes, keep doing what you are doing. If no, consider changing some of your habits. Read More
Instagram is growing rapidly and the latest news is that there are now over 300 million active users on this often misunderstood social network. If you are promoting yourself or your business then it's about time that you took notice and paid attention to Instagram. Luckily for you this new infogra Read More

Responding To Customer Experience Disasters!

Avatar Posted by dabrock under Sales
From 3553 days ago
Made Hot by: thecorneroffice on January 8, 2015 6:15 am
As much as we try to develop, implement, and execute outstanding customer experiences, sometimes things fall apart and we have a complete disaster. Everything goes wrong! Read More

How to Choose a Brand Name That Can Be Trademarked

Avatar Posted by PASjonathan under Startups
From 3553 days ago
Made Hot by: bizyolk on January 8, 2015 12:09 pm
If you’ve been struggling to land on a brand name, consider these tips to come up with one that’s both memorable and can receive significant trademark protection. Read More

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