JoshRed voted on the following stories on BizSugar

The capability of social media has been stretched. Gone were those days when the primary motives of being on social media were to network and connect with other users, especially, families and friends.So what do you use your social media account for? Read More
Rankings have always been the top measure of SEO success. They were what every new and seasoned practitioner alike strove for. Here's why that's still relevant today. Read More
Rankings have always been the top measure of SEO success. They were what every new and seasoned practitioner alike strove for. Here's why that's still relevant today. Read More

You Cannot Afford the Hidden Costs of Inefficient IT

You Cannot Afford the Hidden Costs of Inefficient IT - Avatar Posted by previsomedia under Technology
From 3470 days ago
Made Hot by: Copysugar on January 3, 2015 9:02 pm
When it comes to IT, inefficiency has a lot of hidden costs that few companies can afford. Here are three common IT inefficiencies. Read More

The Beginning of the End for Fake Accounts?

The Beginning of the End for Fake Accounts?  - Avatar Posted by cendrinemedia under Social Media
From 3470 days ago
Made Hot by: fundpr on January 2, 2015 10:17 am
A few years ago, Klout changed its algorithm to offer users more accurate and transparent scores. The team explained that this would lead to a big decrease in people’s scores.

When members realized that they had lost between 10 and 20 points overnight, many took to Facebook, Twitter, and their b Read More

How to Get Organized: Tools for Taming Your Office Tasks

How to Get Organized: Tools for Taming Your Office Tasks - Avatar Posted by ShannonW under Marketing
From 3470 days ago
Made Hot by: justretweet on January 3, 2015 8:44 pm
Got your hands full but don't have the funds to hire? These tools will tame your time-sucking tasks so you learn how to get organized and stay that way! Read More
Confused about all the marketing concepts out there? We've demystified them here -- and put them into language everyone can understand! Read More
Ready to hire a PR rep? Stop what you're doing and read this first. Learn the right questions to ask and what to expect to ensure you get the best ROI. Read More
Here are a couple ways to develop or sustain a healthy business in this coming year. Read this for important tips on sustaining a healthy business-franchise or not. Read More
If you’re a blogger, you’re probably familiar with some of these accompanying hurdles:

• you have to gain a loyal following
• you need to be a content machine with frequent and relevant posts
• and you should include visual elements in as many pieces as possible Read More

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