LadySophy voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Incentives – The Secret of Success

Avatar Posted by IanDSmith under Management
From 4140 days ago
Made Hot by: LadySophy on May 25, 2013 4:52 am
We’ve all been touched by incentives at one time or another. Sales commissions, fixed bonuses, a prize, an earn-out deal when you sold your business. You might have received a bonus as part of a team achievement. So why don't they work? Read More
Curate content with and share it easily. Customize, interact and share to expand your reputation, build your network and boost your score. Read More

How to be a ridiculously awesome failure

Avatar Posted by lkpetrolino under Self-Development
From 4140 days ago
Made Hot by: fusionswim on May 25, 2013 11:19 am
There are those weeks…..

Those weeks with way too many walls and not enough doors.

Those weeks that you feel you are a case study for the statistical relevance of Murphy’s Law.

And you just want to cry and then throw a tantrum (or several) and then put on a bubble suit, change your name to Read More
Successful startups are all about turning ideas into action quickly and efficiently. These actions must be the hard part, since entrepreneurs always seem to come to me with ideas, and ask me for help on the actions. That has always seemed strange to me, since the magic is supposed to be in the idea Read More
This is a must read for company leadership and human resource professionals. It really makes you think about how decisions are made within an organization when it comes to hiring and maintaining employees. When your leadership team is weak, your best people leave, profits suffer and changes need to Read More
A B2B SEO strategy relies on content. This is nothing new. Content is what informs target audience members and encourages B2B decision makers to select the product or service that you provide. Read More
Is your marketing working? And how would you know? Here are 3 easy business performance metrics you can use to find out if your marketing is working. Read More

The Nastiest Habit (That We All Have)

Avatar Posted by OpenSourceMedia under Management
From 4140 days ago
Made Hot by: ObiWantrepreneur on May 26, 2013 6:50 pm
On Facebook, everyone’s lives look happy. Including mine! I just went on a cruise–I have an amazing fiance. Whoosh Traffic just had its best day ever and it’s looking like we might hit a million-dollar revenue run rate by the end of the year. I have an awesome team–and yes, I just bought my first h Read More

How to Find the Perfect New Business Idea

Avatar Posted by OpenSourceMedia under Human Resources
From 4140 days ago
Made Hot by: Cathode Ray Dude on May 25, 2013 8:07 pm
tarting a new business, but stuck on finding the perfect idea? I hear you. In fact, you’re not alone.

Recently, I asked people who opted-in for more information on my upcoming “Art of Email” course what they needed most in their businesses. Although many people said “Customers!”, several people Read More
SMBs and entrepreneurs don’t have money to waste on big advertising. Save money and market smarter with these 25 creative marketing ideas for small business.
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