LashonMcclure voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Everything we do is a process, the way we buy our groceries, wash our hair or pay the wages all follow some sort of process or routine. Some people naturally follow processes quiet rigidly, doing the same things at the same time in the same way. For others, they take it as it comes, changing their Read More
You just poured everything you had into an epic piece of content. You spent hours Googling information and examples. You toiled over the perfect way to organize and present the information. You figured out how to get all the info out while sounding smart and – dare I say it – engaging and entertain Read More
In another exclusive preview of The Content Marketing Coach, we share two proven strategies for brainstorming new content topics. Read More
According to Jeff Gothelf, author of Lean UX book, conversion optimization is about “finding the right mix of value proposition, call to action and price point to convince a customer to take a deeper level of engagement with your product or service.” Read More

9 Signs It's Time to Grow Your Content Team

9 Signs It\'s Time to Grow Your Content Team - Avatar Posted by trivedirock91 under Online Marketing
From 2860 days ago
Made Hot by: KatrinaBrandall on August 23, 2016 7:24 am
Growing traffic can be a bittersweet experience when you’re first starting out in content marketing. On one hand, you’re thrilled to see your posts gaining traction as incoming traffic and engagement climbs. On the other hand, your growing audience demands frequent content updates and they expect y Read More
While it’s getting more popular lately, Keep is one Google’s of less popular products. It’s been around since 2013, and is a 100% free way to manage your tasks and store information. Read More
Small business expert, Michael E. Gerber, lets us in on the business systems he’s used to grow his consultancy (and hundreds of thousands of other companies). These are time-tested systems he’s honed over a period of 30 years. From The E-Myth’s first publication in 1987 to the present day, he’s wri Read More
The best web designing and developing tools for beginners are Material UI, InVision, PIXLR, INK, and WEBYDO. Know more about them in the following infographic. Read More
We’ve all been baited into those lists of recycled tips where the author lists 10,000 excruciating content creation tips, all of which you’ve heard over and over again.
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Imagine this: “We’re in the difficult situation of having a product people use for traditionally dull stuff. We have a boring product.” Sure, as a brand, you think it’s exciting because you know what it can do. But when you think about software that could be used for HR and Operations teams or a ma Read More

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