LashonMcclure voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Collaboration is the name of the game today. As more and more of our workflows move to the cloud, businesses need tools that let teams share information, communicate, and manage projects together quickly and intuitively. Read More
This episode of Business Systems Explored is a real treat for developers or anyone interested in the techy systems behind SaaS businesses. Dennis R. Mortensen — the founder of — talks about how conversational interfaces will change SaaS and how dashboards will die. Read More
Building a successful business is a constantly changing process. So you need to be able to adapt and keep up to ensure long term success. Members of our small business community have had to navigate plenty of changes and updates. Check out some top tips for moving your business toward future succes Read More
You know the importance of having great customer support. As a young company, you take pride in this—it’s what separates you from industry giants. You’re able to give your customers the individualized attention in a fast turnaround time. You’re even able to have relationships with your customers, l Read More
If you want a large team of enterprise developers to collaborate effectively, you need to find a suitable place to host your code. Choosing a repository hosting service might not seem like a big deal. But the repo host you choose can have serious consequences for your developers’ productivity and a Read More
Content distribution is an important piece of the content marketing puzzle but one that is often overlooked. Too many marketers press publish and expect that that magically the content will take off. It doesn’t work that way.

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My Productivity Experiment (Infographic)

My Productivity Experiment (Infographic) - Avatar Posted by zolachupik under Self-Development
From 2871 days ago
Made Hot by: kimonos on August 11, 2016 1:31 pm
In researching productivity tips for this blog, I had a revelation… I’ve read it all before. I have blogged on this topic in the past, and I confess that I usually take the bait and click on articles with titles like “10 Productivity Hacks that Will Change Your Life” or whatever the catchy title mi Read More
In this episode of Business Systems Explored, Jon Nastor the host of Hack the Entrepreneur podcast reveals the systems he used to build and run a top ranking podcast to over 1.4 million downloads.
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How To Create an Office Culture in a Remote Team

How To Create an Office Culture in a Remote Team  - Avatar Posted by joannw2016 under Management
From 2872 days ago
Made Hot by: GayJanczunskikji on August 10, 2016 2:50 pm
Remote teams have hurdles that some office teams don’t. With all the advantages that remote teams have there are some minor disadvantages to them, but thanks to the amazing technology that we have today, we’re in a fortunate place to solve those problems. Read More

A Brief History of Emojis, Emoticons and ASCII Art

A Brief History of Emojis, Emoticons and ASCII Art - Avatar Posted by andriawhack under Social Media
From 2872 days ago
Made Hot by: bockmary7 on August 17, 2016 1:41 pm
In the mid-90s, a Japanese mobile software developer noticed teenagers using MMS to do things that emojis would suit, and created the first round of what we’d consider emojis today.

Now, there’s an explosion of emojis. Apple, Twitter, Microsoft, Facebook, Android, and others — all putting their Read More

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