LashonMcclure voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Harassment is a pervasive problem across many social networks, regardless of the level of anonymity they provide. While reporting tools, troll indexes and other initiatives help sites moderate content, individuals have few tools at their disposal for fending off harassment from other users. Read More
Have you ever struggled to write compelling headlines for your blog posts or web pages?

I’m guessing, time and time again.

Without an awesome headline, even the most interesting articles can go unnoticed by the masses.

Based on Copyblogger research, 80% of visitors will read headlines on y Read More
Many brands are utilizing responsive design for their email marketing, but the production costs and skills needed to create fully responsive emails can sometimes be prohibitive. In these cases, columnist Chad White recommends responsive-aware design. Read More
A company blog with 15 million visits a year will make your business. You want to win big in the long term, and the only way to do that is to work backwards from a clear picture of where you want to be, and identify the steps you need to take to get there. By working backwards from massive websites Read More

16 Tools To Make Your Workday More Efficient

16 Tools To Make Your Workday More Efficient  - Avatar Posted by ferdiepre13 under Self-Development
From 2867 days ago
Made Hot by: trivedirock91 on August 10, 2016 2:21 pm
If you’re running a business, working in a business, or trying to be better at your job, then you probably want to be more efficient. It’s not something that you sacrifice health and happiness to achieve (got to have that balance), but being more efficient in your workday is probably something that Read More

How Processes Protect Your Business From Crashing and Burning

How Processes Protect Your Business From Crashing and Burning  - Avatar Posted by kimonos under Management
From 2867 days ago
Made Hot by: trivedirock91 on August 10, 2016 2:16 pm
Process-related disasters span a massive range of areas, from pure human idiocy to legal and technical trouble. If it’s not an issue of ineptitude (a managerial issue) it’ll be an issue with ignorance (a legal / technical oversight).
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If images are the snacks of the internet, and articles are the main course, then infographics are somewhere in between. A light brunch, if you will. Packed with sustenance, but digestible enough to get down in a short period of time. Read More
Tim shares his journey from door-to-door vacuum salesman to a marketer that helps LeadPages get tens of thousands of customers, and rips apart the systems he used along the way. We learn about a different approach to the 80/20 rule and why there’s another hidden rule there that’s just as important. Read More
Not everything you do outside of your business should relate back to your brand, of course, but an outsider looking in should easily understand your connection to your work. That’s why we asked nine members from Young Entrepreneur Council (YEC) the following question. "How should my personal brand Read More
When starting a new business whether it be a tech company or a retail store you will have many challenges that you will need to face and conquer. Starting a new business has many challenges on its own but when you’re looking to scale many of these challenges will be new to you and you will be unsur Read More

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