Liz_062 voted on the following stories on BizSugar

The way we consume content has always been driven by technology.

In the early 20th century, cinema was the clear leader, with 65 percent of the U.S. population attending the cinema each week in 1930. Read More
You never know when you may need a new logo design for yourself or for a new client. Since things can happen fast online, why not be prepared for when they do happen?

Design Hill uses artificial intelligence to help you create a logo in literally minutes. You don’t pay for it unless you like it! Read More
In this article, we’ll look at how different companies have utilized upselling to drive their business forward, and try to learn a little something from each.

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There is one post that consistently brings more traffic than even my home page. In fact, it’s over 28% of my traffic. Read More
Apps live in an unforgiving world.

Users rarely download new apps, and when they do, abandonment is high. And using research to get to the bottom of what makes users come back isn’t so simple—users don’t always know what they want. Read More
Digital transformation refers to a change in a business’ processes, channels, and systems using digital technology so that the business is more operationally efficient.

Learn how these 10 awesome tools can bring digital transformation to your business. Read More
Some products are just inherently sticky and some are not. We've listed some top tips to increase product stickiness, that'll make your customers come back. Read More
Every business owner nowadays is aware of the importance of implementing business process management tools. It is no longer a question of whether you should use them or not, as they have become an integral part of successful and error-free process documentation and process management. Read More
Tired of losing track of your tasks and events? Want a way to organize your life no matter where you are? You need a bullet journal. Read More

Did QR Codes Really Fail?

Did QR Codes Really Fail?  - Avatar Posted by AashishPahwa under Success Stories
From 2201 days ago
Made Hot by: sundaydriver on June 27, 2018 6:43 am
QR codes have been a hot topic for debate in the marketing world since their introduction to the market. With many experts claiming that QR codes were one of the biggest failures in marketing strategies, QR has seen some tough time in the market. So the question goes here: Did QR codes really fail? Read More

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