Liz_062 voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Which do you prefer for email provider - Gmail or Outlook? Find out here which is better for you!
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PayPal is a great solution for businesses looking to accept payment, send invoices and manage finances online. But it’s far from the only option. For businesses that are looking for a PayPal replacement or just some other options to add more flexibility, here are 30 PayPal alternatives for small b Read More

8 IT Security Processes to Protect and Manage Company Data

Avatar Posted by Ihya1324 under Technology
From 2577 days ago
Made Hot by: VivianGuttman on August 31, 2017 5:52 am
According to the Computer Crime and Intellectual Property Section (CCIPS) more than 4,000 ransomware attacks have occurred every day since the beginning of 2016.

This represents a 300% increase on 2015. Read More
Cold calling or direct marketing[1]?

Well, I will have to say that the two are great and there are actually a lot of factors that can help you get the buzz that you want for your business. Read More
Seven tips to help you quickly write a stellar blog post, even when you don’t think you have the time to do it.
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I have imposter syndrome. Possibly you do, too–or have at some point. In my case, I feel like I don’t deserve to write for respected publications. Every other writer is more talented and insightful. Read More

How Feeling Like A Fraud Has Helped My Productivity & Career

Avatar Posted by ferdiepre13 under Self-Development
From 2578 days ago
Made Hot by: LoopLooper on September 3, 2017 7:34 pm
I have imposter syndrome. Possibly you do, too–or have at some point. In my case, I feel like I don’t deserve to write for respected publications. Every other writer is more talented and insightful.
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Google announced several upgrades to both their flight search and hotel search features to aid searchers in finding the most economical options for their trips. Read More
Do you want to use customer endorsements in your social media marketing?

Wondering how to create a persuasive testimonial video?

In this article, you’ll learn how to produce an effective testimonial video to share on social media. Read More

Why Remote Teams Fail (And How They Succeed)

Avatar Posted by StellaShveyqgd under Human Resources
From 2578 days ago
Made Hot by: patsonlegal on August 31, 2017 8:57 am
Successful remote teams have the same three characteristics. Check out these three characteristics here! Read More

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