Llewellyn voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Five Tips to Jumpstart Filing Your Taxes

Avatar Posted by MMarquit under Taxes
From http://blog.equifax.com 4217 days ago
Made Hot by: problogger78 on March 8, 2013 5:49 pm
Are you a participant in the last-minute dash to the post office every Tax Day? Does the sprint to get your tax return post-marked by midnight stress you out each year? If so, break the cycle. Read More

Small Business Survival Part One

Avatar Posted by chrissyastbury under Startups
From http://www.waspbarcode.com 4217 days ago
Made Hot by: SimplySmallBiz on March 8, 2013 9:59 pm
Half of small businesses fail within the first five years of operation. These leadership and finance tips are intended to help your small business beat the odds. Read More
Fostering customer loyalty is an important part of running a business. One of the way to do so is via making good use of promotional products. Read More

What Makes an Affiliate-Friendly Website

Avatar Posted by prussakov under Online Marketing
From http://www.amnavigator.com 4218 days ago
Made Hot by: MarketWiz on March 8, 2013 10:35 pm
Wondering why affiliates aren't promoting you actively? The problem may be in your website! Make sure that the site is affiliate friendly. The 10 "must-haves" are:

1. Zero leaks;
2. Only "commissionable" products;
3. No AdSense or affiliate links;
4. Trackable phone;
5. Working well across a Read More
With so many SEO companies making big promises, it's hard to know who to trust. Here are a few ways to tell the difference between a good and bad SEO company. Read More
Blogging continues to grow in popularity, and has many benefits, but there is some downside. See the fine print. So do you want the good news or bad news about blogging first? Ok, we’ll start with the bad news. Read More

How much should business owners work?

Avatar Posted by ingebridget under Self-Development
From http://www.enmast.com 4218 days ago
Made Hot by: FrankenBlogger on March 9, 2013 9:06 am
Business owners tend to work many hours building their businesses. But how many hours a week is considered "normal"? This report shows the habits of other business owners. Read More

REPORT: What's the Most Efficient Social Network?

Avatar Posted by danielzeevi under Social Media
From http://dashburst.com 4218 days ago
Made Hot by: justretweet on March 9, 2013 10:50 am
While social media platforms like Pinterest and Twitter are on the rise, they aren't exactly in a position to challenge Facebook's 1.06 billion users any time soon. But how do all these sites stack up in terms of users and revenue? What makes a social network truly efficient? A recent report by Pin Read More

5 Facebook Display Elements to Enhance your Branding

Avatar Posted by KyleSanders under Social Media
From http://www.completewebresources.com 4218 days ago
Made Hot by: bizyolk on March 9, 2013 10:53 am
Need an engaging Facebook profile but don't know where to start? We break down 5 critical Facebook elements to boost visibility and engagement. Read More
Interested in buying a business overseas? Whether you’re looking to expand into new markets or are just planning on funding your retirement plans outside the U.S., there are a number of steps you should take to ensure your new venture goes smoothly. Here are five considerations and issues to bear i Read More

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