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7 Of The Worst Social Media Marketing Fails

7 Of The Worst Social Media Marketing Fails - http://blog.getsocial.io Avatar Posted by joaoromao under Social Media
From http://blog.getsocial.io 3206 days ago
Made Hot by: problogger78 on September 29, 2015 9:03 am
Social media Marketing can work wonders to increase reach, visibility and awareness of your brand. But sometimes brands cross the line and this happens .. Read More
Presenting here an awesome article that explains how recruitment industry can get benefited of social media. Read More
Conversion holds great importance for every online business. Get into the article to know the secret of higher conversion rates. Read More
Landing pages play important role in your business. The article here explains how you can design a perfect landing page. Read More
Get into the interesting article to find out some effective tips to encourage positive sharing about you, your company and your product. Read More

How Storytelling Can Help You Market Your Small Business

How Storytelling Can Help You Market Your Small Business - http://blog.fundbox.com Avatar Posted by aeschenburg under Marketing
From http://blog.fundbox.com 3213 days ago
Made Hot by: MasterMinuteman on September 22, 2015 9:24 am
We learn a lot from the movies: How to survive alien attacks, how to win the love of a man or woman, how to gain superpowers, and so much more. But we can also learn some very practical things; things that could be helpful for our businesses. Read More
From putting irrelevant content to not making the website mobile friendly, the article here explains four symptoms of an anti social website. Read More
Analyze and determine what to do with your data to Create a high standard of data integrity, know here how you can create effective data strategy. Read More
Reasons are many on why the long registration forms don’t work anymore and can be a key reason of poor conversions. The article explains why. Read More
Do you want to know how data driven marketing can do help your business? This article will definitely help you out. Read More

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