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From selecting minimal design to organizing content, check out the article to find out the secret of poor bounce rate. Read More
An awesome article by Taylor Nelson! Must read if you want to find out the effective way of measuring social media ROI. Read More
First impression is always important because, of course, you can’t deliver second first impression. But these web design blunders will ruin your first impression. Read More
Get into this awesome article to understand what role does user profile data plays in the success of your marketing campaigns as well as business. Read More
With Google’s official declaration about the need of making your website mobile friendly, needless to say, it’s need of the hour. But these five mistakes can really spoil your score at Google mobile friendly test. Read More
Tired of feeling like no matter how hard you work and you can never seem to make a dent in that ist? Here are 10 apps that can make your life a little bit easier. Read More
Get into the article to know the secret of making your visitors stay by greeting them with these five tips. Read More
Having a mobile friendly website is must now a days. Know here four mistakes that can tank down your mobile website. Read More
A well optimized landing page convinces visitors to convert. The article here suggests some killer ways to design a high converting landing page. Read More
Brittany Hurlburt has compiled here 10 latest social platform updates of August. Getting yourself acknowledged with these updates will optimize your marketing efforts. Read More

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