MarketWiz voted on the following stories on BizSugar

You have probably heard of standing desks and ergonomic chairs. Chances are you’ve even tried a few. But have you heard of a desk that lets you work flat on your back? It’s not a fantasy. It’s a real thing and it’s shipping next year.
Called the Altwork Station, this is not your normal computer de Read More
There have been questions about whether Instagram marketing will be appealing to brands and marketers since the social media platform rolled out its advertising programs. Instagram is an online community built on the power of visual storytelling. But will be more appealing to businesses and markete Read More
Did you know that locally-owned small retailers can earn 50% or more of their total annual sales during the critical holiday shopping period between Black Friday and New Year’s Day? Clearly, the choices you make during this time can have a big impact on cash flow for an entire 12 months. Read More
Many small businesses still rely on antiquated phone systems, designed for the old way of work that don’t meet the needs of today’s companies or consumers. These systems often lack the ability to support company growth ambitions and in many cases can be damaging and costly. Read More

This Star Wars Trailer Will Blow Your Marketing Mind

Avatar Posted by mallton under Online Marketing
From 3239 days ago
Made Hot by: AmyJordan on November 11, 2015 11:12 am
Since 1977, the Star Wars saga has been brilliantly woven into the fabric of our culture. But more than that, it's a shining example for bloggers and marketers who crave galactic success. Read More
Implementing customer loyalty programs is one the oldest and most effective marketing strategies. Rewarding your customers for constantly patronizing your brand is among the best ways to build and nurture a strong relationship with them. Read More
It's time to start appreciating those small moments in your life, by giving them your full attention and enjoying them as much as you can. Read More
There's nothing better than free, targeted and qualified traffic coming from search. Here are four ways that you can use to streamline your SEO strategy. Read More
Change is the constant we live with. It keeps on our toes - or our heels. Which is it for you? Read on for the three keys to staying on your toes and ahead of change. Read More

23 Time Management Tools That Every Busy Person Should Use

Avatar Posted by ronsela under Online Marketing
From 3239 days ago
Made Hot by: DigiTechBlog on November 11, 2015 12:24 pm
The process of time management refers to actively taking control over the amount of time devoted to particular activities. It is a method commonly used within workplaces to assess and evaluate efficiency. Time management tools are designed to help you maximize your resources. Read More

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