MarketWiz voted on the following stories on BizSugar

The media is hungry for clues about the direction of the American economy. Small business is a key engine of this economy, providing 55% of all jobs and 66% of all net new jobs since the 1970's, as well as 54% of all US sales. Here are a few positive snippets from… Read More
There’s much to be said about the value of a fresh pair of eyes and ears. Sometimes you are just too close to something to be objective and see where necessary adjustments and changes need to be made for improvement. Read More
Quality assurance systems are designed with customers’ satisfaction in mind. They are the procedures, processes, organization, and resources that are needed to keep the organization focused on its goals and the activities it puts in place to achieve its goals. Read More
When a brand loses it connection with its customers, company or constituencies, the solution most often recommended is a “Re-branding” program.

But what if during the research phase you discover that nothing is truly wrong with the brand. How do you re-fresh a brand that really doesn’t Read More
It was in 1978 or 1979. I know I was out of high school. I remember it well. That blizzard. Because I was stranded. And, it wasn't my fault. It was her fault. The Blizzard That's Frozen In My Memory... Read More
Old digital tactics and mastering individual channels are being overcome by the need to create a common brand experience across the digital experience on and offline.
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There are three very distinct mistakes you that may ruin your speech. No, not *while* you're speaking; but even *before* you get up on that stage. Based on my previous speaking experience, I've elaborated on them (illustrating each with a real-life story) in this recent interview on Small Business Read More

SWOT Analysis Challenge: How to Identify Your Strengths

Avatar Posted by PASjonathan under Strategy
From 3531 days ago
Made Hot by: sundaydriver on January 29, 2015 3:49 pm
This week we’re asking entrepreneurs to take part in our SWOT analysis challenge. Every day during the last week of January, you’ll work through one piece of the SWOT report. You can bite off small pieces each day and end up with an in-depth look at your business. Today we focus on strengths... Read More
The true value of monthly donors is undisputed. Securing just 30 monthly donors at $20 per month may generate only a monthly revenue stream of $600, but over the next 12 months their contributions will add up to $7,200. And time, effort and expenses are saved because there is no need to keep sendin Read More
The 12 words to eliminate from your marketing campaigns have now infiltrated every agency and in-house team meeting across the country. Here’s why these words should drift off into a quiet retirement in 2015. Read More

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