MarketWiz voted on the following stories on BizSugar

It's a known fact that Content Marketing is one of the highly rewarding internet marketing strategies any serious business owner should consider. But do you know how to make content marketing work for your business? This article highlights how you can make it work for your small business Read More
Alright it’s Friday, so I’m gonna keep this short and sweet…

But still give you value.

So, I came across an interesting discovery the other day…

I read online that if you put your mobile phone on “aeroplane mode” it charges twice as quickly. (By the way, you should try it and then thank me Read More
For some time now, we all have noticed a significant change in Google’s search engine result page. Google is seen to produce answer boxes for any kind of query, be it a map, a graph, contact number details, the Big G has answer to anything you type for.

What is interesting, is that Google tries Read More
This infographic from Elearners looks at the psychology of; why we share on Twitter? What intrigue people to follow you on Twitter? and more! Read More
Amazon has made its way in the top charts of e-commerce for its shooting fast shipping and ability to sell online anything under the sun. Sitting at the 5th rank on ComScore’s List amongst 2000 other domains, the site was started by founder Jeff Bezos in his garage. Read More
If you find yourself often wishing you had more time – or thinking ‘I would be happy if I could only get more done!’ – this podcast will be talking to you! Lain Ehmann, the incredible Productivity and Mindset Coach, is my awesome guest host. Read More
The vast majority of us probably don’t think about other taxes they pay on a regular basis. Among those taxes are those charged as part of your wireless bill. Read More
The quality of your life is determined by the quality of your habits. Have enough good ones and you’ll be successful. Accumulate too many bad habits (such as biting your nails or excessive email checking) and you are headed for disaster.

The big question is how to break bad habits? Why do you ha Read More
Any amount of online research regarding a quality social media program will tell you that listening to your audience is a key factor in social media success. Here at Divahound we’ve blogged about the importance of being attentive to your audience’s needs, no matter if it’s a simple question or an i Read More

Honest Business Slogan Examples That Tell What You Think

Avatar Posted by stillwagon428 under Marketing
From 3615 days ago
Made Hot by: leonesimmy on November 12, 2014 3:52 am
Have you ever wished popular brands like Pepsi and Wii would use taglines that were a little more revealing? Honest Slogans is a Tumblr that remixes famous logos with taglines that reflect what people really think of the brand. Read More

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