MarketWiz voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Social media is a notoriously subjective communication channel. One guy’s jokey exclamation mark is another guy’s yell. Even if you think you’ve got a pretty good handle on what you’re doing, it’s worth returning to the basics if you want to avoid causing accidental offense – and to maximise the op Read More
The marketing world can be a dark place, full of people who care little about your success and a lot about their own profit. It’s no surprise that we see company after company that’s been burned by crappy PPC managers. Read More
Facebook Rolls Out Facebook Stories and Other Snapchat-like Camera Features Globally: Facebook rolled out a new in-app camera for iOS and Android that’s “packed with dozens of effects like masks, frames and interactive filters that you can apply to your photos and videos.” These include dynamic obj Read More
For a small business to grow and succeed, good employees need to be hired and empowered. This is the only way you will get your business where you want it to go. Empowerment goes along with growth. Good employees help you achieve the success you want. Give them room to grow and a defined path Read More
Statistics show that US companies lose half of their customers every five years. Customers are the lifeblood of your business. Keeping them satisfied should be your highest priority. To grow a small business, former customers must be replaced. Experience with the firm, products, services and staff Read More
The term employee benefits inculcate the different kinds of indirect recompense provided to the employees apart from their normal salary. Employee benefits includes benefits from various sources i.e. medical insurance, life insurance, retirement benefits, fringe benefits, paid time off, social secu Read More
In the fast paced environment that we live, everyone is considered as successful person in their own arena. Jealousy is a common factor that everyone has. We can be jealous about our friends’ achievement or for that matter anyone else’s. We all get a twinge of jealousy if we see that our friends or Read More

The Most Up To Date Social Media Image Size Guide

Avatar Posted by warrenknightuk under Social Media
From 2731 days ago
Made Hot by: logistico on April 6, 2017 7:36 am
Want to know what images will work for your online marketing to stay brand consistent? Here is the most up to date Social Media Image Size Guide. Read More
Tom Andrews, direct-response copywriter, tells you why the length of your sales letter does matter.

There's a harmful myth circling around the copywriting industry that long form sales copy is dead because people have short attention spans these days. Whilst, yes, people do have short attention Read More
Information is not something we can live without. But too much of it can be distracting and even can stop you from succeeding. Find out how! Read More

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