MarketWiz voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Every small business owner needs to have such a smartphone that can suits all the needs: working with documentations, using camera, etc. So it is quite obvious that everyone would like to choose the right smartphone from the very beginning. How to choose it - in this guide. Read More
Foreclosure is not something small business owners want to get into. Learn various aspects of business foreclosure to avoid getting there. Read More
Welcome to the world of business where style often outweighs substance. What do we mean by this? When you run a company, you need to spend more time considering how things appear to be, rather than how they are.

Style matters, appearance matters and you need to make your business looks like a wi Read More
Add Simple Social Buttons like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Google Plus, to your website and multiply your business with these social media buttons. Read More

Business Buyers: The "Buy Now, Pay Later" Generation

Avatar Posted by cbrendlinger under Management
From 2897 days ago
Made Hot by: PMVirtual on October 19, 2016 12:02 pm
If you are preparing to sell your business, your buyers will likely be members of the “buy now, pay later” generation. Generation X is the first demographic group to be raised in a culture that put little emphasis on savings. If you have built a business worth a million dollars, it will be hard to Read More
In the digital age, a website is your bread and butter. Without one, your business will starve, so it’s a smart move to keep it as safe as possible. Read More
There are chances Pangu iPhone 7 Jailbreak may already exists for public users. Pangu iOS 10 jailbreak is most awaited tool for jailbreak users this year. Read More

Why sales are the lifeblood of your startup

Avatar Posted by MashaKaran under Sales
From 2897 days ago
Made Hot by: problogger78 on October 19, 2016 12:52 pm
While many small business owners strike out on their own for the financial incentives, most become entrepreneurs because they want to make a certain impact on the world through a product or service they really believe in.

Whichever camp you fall into, it is important to keep your eye focused on Read More

We don’t have to have all the answers

Avatar Posted by centralpawebster under Self-Development
From 2898 days ago
Made Hot by: robinandy58 on October 19, 2016 1:52 pm
We all deal with change. We all deal with controversy. And, we all struggle on our journey. Putting it out there, within reason, is not necessarily a bad thing. Read More
If you have ever searched the internet for anything, you are likely to have occasionally come up against a screen that reads ‘Page Not Found’ or ‘Error: Link Not Found’. This is commonly referred to as 404 error.

Why does this happen? For quite a few reasons, including:

- When a site is moved Read More

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