MarketWiz voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Deciding When to Leave Your Day Job to Run a Small Business

Avatar Posted by jondyer under Self-Development
From 3039 days ago
Made Hot by: robinandy58 on May 29, 2016 11:08 am
When you're in the midst of growing a new business while still working at a nine-to-five job it can be hard to know exactly when it's time to go. Although the future is uncertain and you won't have as much stability, sometimes it's worth taking the plunge and diving head first into your own company Read More

Deciding When to Leave Your Day Job to Run a Small Business

Avatar Posted by jondyer under Self-Development
From 3039 days ago
Made Hot by: robinandy58 on May 29, 2016 11:08 am
When you're in the midst of growing a new business while still working at a nine-to-five job it can be hard to know exactly when it's time to go. Although the future is uncertain and you won't have as much stability, sometimes it's worth taking the plunge and diving head first into your own company Read More
You publish great content, bring in some traffic and you start to wonder 'how to monetize a blog?'

Monetizing your website should be easy, it's about installing some adverts maybe google Adsense right?

If only it were that simple. Read More
Do you need to be closing more sales than you are after meeting with a prospect?

Stop sending email and learn how you can use video to personalize the follow-up experience and start closing more sales today. Read More
Most marketing emails get deleted with a quick tap on a smartphone or caught in the spam filter. So the big question for brands is... In our current era of email marketing overload, what can you do to get your emails not only opened but read, clicked and shared as well? Read More

How to Sell on Social Media

Avatar Posted by sarahsantacroce under Online Marketing
From 3039 days ago
Made Hot by: sophia2 on May 29, 2016 2:08 pm
More and more I notice that many business owners confuse Social Media with a sales platform, instead of using it for what it really is: a communication platform. This post shares a few reminders about how to sell on...
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How to Sell on Social Media

Avatar Posted by sarahsantacroce under Online Marketing
From 3039 days ago
Made Hot by: sophia2 on May 29, 2016 2:08 pm
More and more I notice that many business owners confuse Social Media with a sales platform, instead of using it for what it really is: a communication platform. This post shares a few reminders about how to sell on...
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If your business still hasn't left the starting line, you could be making this common niche mistake. Check if your niche is narrow enough to be profitable Read More
In 2014, we revisited the topic, seeing that full-width menus with a greater number of products and featured images were en vogue.

So, what of 2016? Let's have a look. Read More
In order to guide those seeking EHS software solutions, here are seven tips to increase the chances of a successful implementation. Read More

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