MarketWiz voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Optimizing your signup process helps increase conversion. Check out these tips:

1. Give users an option for a single sign in
2. Guide your users with visual directional cues
3. Save your customers' time by providing feedbacks during sign up in real time.
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Some experts suggest that where a company is heavily reliant upon the Internet for lead generation, having accounts on all the major social networks including Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter is one way to ensure maximum exposure. As a small business, however, you may not have the time or money to do Read More
Social media has the power to enhance your eCommerce exposure and revenues. The only question remains, how? That’s where these 10 social media tips come in. Read More
A savvy approach to online reviews can help convert an angry customer into a brand advocate. Does your company have a strategy for dealing with online reviews? Read More

Essential Small Business SEO Tips That Every Website Needs

Avatar Posted by jondyer under Online Marketing
From 3073 days ago
Made Hot by: leonesimmy on April 24, 2016 5:32 pm
If you're a small business owner and you have a website you've probably been told at one time or another that you needed to look into search engine optimization (SEO). Unfortunately hiring a professional to assess your site and make changes can be extremely costly. Instead here are some basic SEO t Read More
Too many people think they can become an entrepreneur overnight and establish a real business in a 1–2 year window, but it’s just not realistic. If you have the audacity to want to build something that’s going to set you up for the rest of your life don’t disrespect what it takes to get there. Read More
Earlier this month, more than 6,000 business leaders and IT decision makers from nearly every industry joined together in New Orleans for the first-ever Microsoft Envision conference. Microsoft Envision was created to bring business and technology leaders together to share insights and uncover solu Read More
Email marketing being the best channel to directly communicate with existing as well as prospect customers, is still a part of many business strategies. But as the years pass by and the need for relevance increases, the challenges for executing a successful email marketing strategy only increase. Read More
According to Robert Clay, only 2% of prospects will ever buy at the first meeting, which means that our first encounter with someone shouldn’t just be about you.

A customer will want to learn more about you before they trust you with their credit card information.

There is another way to st Read More
According to Robert Clay, only 2% of prospects will ever buy at the first meeting, which means that our first encounter with someone shouldn’t just be about you.

A customer will want to learn more about you before they trust you with their credit card information.

There is another way to st Read More

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