MarketWiz voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Facebook is one of the top social media in the internet world today! In fact at the present moment facebook is the one in the top of the list. No doubt there are a good number of competitors in this field, still the giant occupies the first place. This was my firm belief, but to my surprise today Read More

How to Write Compelling Calls-to-Action for Email

Avatar Posted by litmusapp under Marketing
From 3080 days ago
Made Hot by: FutureVision on April 19, 2016 7:22 am
Email copywriting is hard! These tips help you inspire action with compelling CTAs.If you’re a writer, you may be familiar with the term “targeting”, wherein you place the most important word at the end of a sentence and work backward to ensure every word that leads up to it builds momentum. Read More

Top Three Things To Look For As An Angel Investor

Avatar Posted by lyceum under Raising Capital
From 3080 days ago
Made Hot by: DigiTechBlog on April 18, 2016 1:31 pm
Today, I am starting a new column here at Small Business Trends. In addition to my regular weekly articles that focus on data-driven discussions of entrepreneurship, I am going to cover my experience as an angel investor in two new monthly columns. Below, we will focus on the top three things that Read More

Top Three Things To Look For As An Angel Investor

Avatar Posted by lyceum under Raising Capital
From 3080 days ago
Made Hot by: DigiTechBlog on April 18, 2016 1:31 pm
Today, I am starting a new column here at Small Business Trends. In addition to my regular weekly articles that focus on data-driven discussions of entrepreneurship, I am going to cover my experience as an angel investor in two new monthly columns. Below, we will focus on the top three things that Read More

7 Twitter Tools To Make You See Awesome Results

Avatar Posted by Inspiretothrive under Social Media
From 3080 days ago
Made Hot by: bizyolk on April 17, 2016 12:23 pm
My friend Sally is still not ready to tweet yet. She like others I’ve met along the way find Twitter difficult to understand. I was with another customer yesterday who said “that will be the day I tweet.” (He just got started with Facebook). The Guardian wrote a little while ago why do normal peop Read More

5 Strategies to Use Snapchat to Market Your Business

Avatar Posted by ZoeSummers under Social Media
From 3080 days ago
Made Hot by: robinandy58 on April 17, 2016 12:44 pm
Thinking of new ways to market your business? We’re giving you 5 strategies to use Snapchat to maket your business. Read More

The 3 Most Effective Content Curation Strategies

Avatar Posted by LashonMcclure under Strategy
From 3080 days ago
Made Hot by: advertglobal on April 17, 2016 12:54 pm
I realized the other day that my business wouldn’t exist if it wasn’t for content curation.

When I was working for other companies, figuring out my place in the marketing world, it became clear that I also needed to work on my personal brand (regardless of how much I disliked that term at the ti Read More
Transmute, modify, and reform: all synonyms for convert, and yet all words that would have completely changed the meaning of this article.

We as people respond more to certain words, because we have different associations to them.

Now, section-by-section, I want to breakdown how some of those Read More
Social Selling - Or how to get clients on LinkedIn - a complete beginners on how to get clients on LinkedIn
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Today, storytelling is business.

Stories have infiltrated brands of all sizes, locations and industries. But the stories being told by brands are in metamorphose…

Grandiose fabrications have transformed into real-world, purpose-led stories that matter. Emerging business narratives talk about Read More

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