MarketWiz voted on the following stories on BizSugar

You might have heard all the chatter recently about Twitter increasing their character count from 140 characters to 10,000 characters. Yes, you read that correct.

140 to 10,000 characters per tweet!
That is like going from a little chat to writing an essay! Is that what Twitter wants to become? Read More
Google has bolstered its forces by appointing stalwart leaders in both its virtual reality and global public policy departments. What will Caroline Atkinson and Clay Bavor do for the tech company? Read More
Drupal, one of the Internet’s Top 3 CMSs is flawed by several bugs in its update process and this could allow hackers to poison installations via update packages and, in worst case scenarios, the attackers might even take over servers. Read More
Drupal, one of the Internet’s Top 3 CMSs is flawed by several bugs in its update process and this could allow hackers to poison installations via update packages and, in worst case scenarios, the attackers might even take over servers. Read More
For my small business cuteheads, 2015 can best be described as the year when everything changed. I had to learn a lot of lessons the hard way and I'm sharing them with you in the hopes that you don't have to. Learn some of the pitfalls of entrepreneurship to be more successful in 2016. Read More
For my small business cuteheads, 2015 can best be described as the year when everything changed. I had to learn a lot of lessons the hard way and I'm sharing them with you in the hopes that you don't have to. Learn some of the pitfalls of entrepreneurship to be more successful in 2016. Read More
If you are still using hard drives and even flash drives to store your data, it’s important to explore cloud services. More businesses are turning to the cloud as a way of enhancing their operations. The same can be done for yours once you learn about all of the different benefits that are availabl Read More
No doubt, fashion is quite transient. The same can be said about the fashion for web design: many of the trends that have been at the peak of popularity 2–3 years ago, no more exists. Yet it would be foolish to say that trends are unpredictable at all. Actually, they can be predicted if one closely Read More
People like to see who they are talking to and who they are buying from. That’s one of the reasons why so many solopreneurs have photos of themselves on their “about” pages.

And, according to a 2011 survey done with both US and UK participants, 60% of consumers were more likely to consider or c Read More
Is your wallet bursting with one-too-many credit cards, gift cards, or loyalty cards? Coin, the one size fits all wonder, might have the answer to your overstuffed concerns. Read More

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