Marketing_Mashup voted on the following stories on BizSugar

First line manager training

First line manager training - Avatar Posted by CorporateCoachG under Management
From 4382 days ago
Made Hot by: Marketing_Mashup on July 8, 2012 4:47 am
What is expected of the first line manger?

If you are a first line manager, then you are expected to:

1. Manage the daily tasks
2. Manage the various personalities in the team
3. Continue to do much of the spade work yourself
4. Manage the customer’s com Read More
What can we learn as businessmen from LeBron James' game play on this years NBA Finals? Business should be played like a basketball MVP, learn to do rebounds, assists, and learn to play the game. Read More
This morning I received an email from someone who is trying to save his floundering specialty gift store. As I read through the message, I just kept shaking my head from side to side; I’ve heard this same kind of story countless times. Read More

How to Budget When Your Income Changes Each Month

How to Budget When Your Income Changes Each Month - Avatar Posted by MMarquit under Finance
From 4383 days ago
Made Hot by: y-dolphin on July 14, 2012 9:59 pm
It is vital to know how to budget when you have a variable income. This post will explain budgeting tips for people whose income changes a lot. Read More

How to Conquer Intimidation When Growing your Business

How to Conquer Intimidation When Growing your Business - Avatar Posted by wdoutjah under Strategy
From 4386 days ago
Made Hot by: GorgeousGeorge on July 3, 2012 4:42 am
While your business is growing, you are also facing different types of intimidating factors. When best strategies to overcome them are not properly outlined, your business is at risk and will potentially be overpowered by your numerous competitors. Read More

Creative Thinking Made Simple and Easy

Creative Thinking Made Simple and Easy  - Avatar Posted by intotheblackbox under Advertising
From 4388 days ago
Made Hot by: ZiggyFreud61 on July 3, 2012 3:36 am
Businesses last because of innovations brought about by creative minds. If you think you lack the imagination, here is a round-up that might able to help you develop creative thinking. Read More
Get your email communication right up-front. If you don't, this article gives you three tips to manage your reputation. Read More
Are you proud of your website?
Is it an accurate reflection of you and your business or does it look like a something you’d make fun of…..if it was someone else’s website.
Read More
If a tree falls in the forest and... well you know the rest.

Back before everyone used the internet, if you needed to find a plumber you would refer to the yellow pages.

How things have changed.

Read on to learn how to be found online- the right way! Read More

As Seen on TV - Why Infomercials Work

As Seen on TV - Why Infomercials Work  - Avatar Posted by amabaie under Advertising
From 4395 days ago
Made Hot by: Marketing_Mashup on June 24, 2012 4:24 am
The most succesful infomercials sell millions of their products over the phone, online and eventually in stores. While the merchandise or services may be different, the one minute, two minute or half hour television commercials have many things in common.

Are you ready for the secrets of best se Read More

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