Marketing_Mashup voted on the following stories on BizSugar

In the following article I will share what I consider to be the 5 best Twitter tools to help you save time, tweet better and get more followers. Find out which they are! Read More
Blockbuster saw Netflix coming and did nothing to defend their position. Blockbuster was the category killer of local mom-and-pop video stores, expanding to over 9000 stores at its peak. They were the VHS and DVD behemoth, but they were also... Read More
5 Military Training Techniques We Can Apply to Business
Military training techniques are often associated with war, although business leaders can learn several useful lessons from them. Discipline,... Read More

7 Of The Best Small Business Learning Resources

7 Of The Best Small Business Learning Resources  - Avatar Posted by nialldevitt under Self-Development
From 4401 days ago
Made Hot by: BIZantium on June 17, 2012 4:39 am
Are you needing some help learning how to run your small business? Here are some excellent small business learning resources for getting you all the help you need. Read More
Over time, the companies that survive are the ones that are constantly innovating. The world changes, and if your business does not change with it, you are likely to be overrun by your competitors and disappear into a big black hole somewhere.

But the secret is not innovation alone - it's the st Read More
An agenda clarifies the topic of the meeting, both broadly and specific points…Once an agenda has been created, the key thing is to actually use it during the meeting. If the agenda is not followed, it is virtually meaningless… Read More
Businesspeople today are typically busy and the time that is taken up by attending a meeting could be used for other activities…it’s important to invite people based on their ability to contribute to the discussion, rather than based on their title or office politics.

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By Caron Beesley. IF you’re starting a business from home, it’s important not to overlook the fact that your business is still subject to license and permit laws. Here's some information about the general guidelines that apply to home business licensing and permit requirements as well as a link to Read More
Setting up a payroll for a small business can be difficult to do on your own but it's relatively easy and inexpensive when you go through a payroll service. Read More

3 Fast Fundraising Ideas for Your Non-profit

3 Fast Fundraising Ideas for Your Non-profit - Avatar Posted by causecast under Human Resources
From 4403 days ago
Made Hot by: Emma on June 18, 2012 4:17 pm
In an era of corporate scandals, lost profits and the public’s declining trust, businesses are acutely sensitive to their brand reputation. Read More

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