Marketing_Mashup voted on the following stories on BizSugar

A Basic Overview of the AMT

A Basic Overview of the AMT - Avatar Posted by MMarquit under Taxes
From 4406 days ago
Made Hot by: stella77 on June 18, 2012 4:43 am
The alternative minimum tax, or the AMT, was instituted as a way to ensure that those with high incomes, and who might take advantage of excessive deductions, pay at minimum, what they should owe. Read More
One of the biggest advantages of launching a business online is that it's inexpensive to start. Today, I want to discuss some other popular online business models and compare them all in depth. Read More
The five reasons you should create a superior customer experience, how it will help you build successful customer relationships and grow your small business. Read More

Spousal IRA - Rules, Eligibility and Contribution Limits

Spousal IRA - Rules, Eligibility and Contribution Limits - Avatar Posted by MMarquit under Employee Benefits
From 4407 days ago
Made Hot by: WorkSpace on June 8, 2012 4:21 am
Many stay at home parents accept the fact that they don’t have a retirement account. However, this isn’t necessary. If you are married, and you file taxes jointly, your working spouse can contribute to an IRA in your name. Read More
Faced with a plunging stock price and critics on every side, Facebook could be headed for a slide ... and Google+ is primed to pick up the slack. Read More
Think about the last time you went shopping for clothes, electronics, shoes, or computers in your local town or shopping centre. Availing of proper services for your business is akin to a having a Personal Shopper. Read More
Everybody seems to be talking about character based leadership.  Amidst the buzz around character based leadership, I often still find myself wondering; “What does it really mean in practical terms?” Don’t you? Character Based Leadership Definition Trying to clarify the matter for myself I came up Read More
How you handle digital purchase failures can be the difference between providing a modified Happy Path and a frustrating Trail of Tears. Read More
Utilizing the best Internet marketing services is vital for small business in 2012. And, with the massive changes to Google search, Panda, Penguin, Knowledge graph, and paid product search, it is now crucial to ensure a diverse Internet marketing strategy. Read More
Facebook’s IPO resembles several of the notable IPO flame-outs in recent years. The following 13 IPO’s were real doozies. It says a lot about all the underwriters and inside investors involved in those deals as well as the fast lane to riches culture that has become the new American Dream. Read More

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